
Showing 21 to 30 of 48 results
Fifty-three student papers have been added to an elite database at CityU that allows a global audience to access the best papers written by our students.
CityU gave a warm welcome to a delegation from the Hong Kong Professionals and Senior Executives Association during a visit on 2 May.
The International Conference on Asian Organised Crime held on 2-3 May at CityU addressed issues such as financial crime, the heroin trade and Triads, among others, from various perspectives.
Determined to develop the best General Education (GE) courses possible in preparation for the transition to the four-year curriculum, CityU has held talks with Fulbright scholars in the field of GE from the United States.
The Education Development Office has organised the Strategic Teaching Enhancement Programme to help colleagues prepare for the four-year curriculum and familiarise themselves with Outcomes Based Teaching and Learning.
Mr Chung Shui-ming, the outgoing Council Chairman, hosted a thank-you reception on 26 September to express his gratitude for the support of the CityU community in recent years.
Professor Way Kuo invited close to 40 academic and administrative staff to a tea gathering on 25 September to strengthen communication with staff in a more relaxed atmosphere. Such tea gatherings will be held regularly.
Mr Patrick Tam Ka-ming, Associate Professor of the School of Creative Media, has been selected as the first introductory director by the e-wave film festival, in recognition of his contribution to the industry.
Hong Kong museums, and their increasing sophistication and evolution, were the subject of the City Cultural Salon on 22 September, featuring Dr Louis Ng Chi-wa, Assistant Director of Leisure and Cultural Services Department.
The School of Law hosted a lecture on the prospects of the East Asian economic community on 25 September, featuring as guest speaker Professor M Supperamaniam of the International Islamic University of Malaysia.

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