
Showing 1 to 10 of 4341 results
CityUHK Book Launch Seminar Start-up founders share their courageous journey
City University of Hong Kong Press launched three books in the CityUHK TechVenture Series and hosted a book launch seminar during the Hong Kong Book Fair 2024 between 17 and 23 July.
Indonesia collaboration sees CityUHK consolidate regional influence in science and education over Belt and Road development
Regional collaboration is growing exponentially as CityUHK continues to reach out to outstanding students in neighbouring countries and regions. Amid a flurry of recent agreements with international partners, CityUHK has cemented new connections with three universities in Indonesia, expanding academic exchanges and research partnerships.
CityUHK launches team-based learning class, providing an interactive and innovative educational environment
CityUHK is committed to fostering an innovative and interactive educational environment by introducing the team-based learning approach in two pioneering university courses during the summer semester, allowing students and faculty to experience it first-hand in a practical classroom setting.
CityUHK researchers achieve breakthrough in developing living passivator for perovskite solar cell stability
A team of researchers at CityUHK has developed a groundbreaking living passivator that substantially enhances the stability and efficiency of perovskite solar cells.
Leaders Circle holds an engagement event to promote University-industry collaboration
CityUHK Industrial and Business Leaders Circle held an engagement event on 12 July to introduce CityUHK’s latest developments in innovation and technology to Leaders Circle members and guests. The event aimed to promote further cooperation between the industry and business sectors with CityUHK and solicit resources for the University’s advancement.
CityUHK strengthens academic collaboration with POLIMI GSoM
On 15 July, CityUHK and POLIMI GSoM signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen academic ties between the two institutions.
Open Books Hong Kong: Three Universities Launch Hong Kong’s First Open Access Books Programme
In a landmark collaboration, the libraries and university presses of CityUHK, CUHK, and HKU are launching Open Books Hong Kong, a pioneering open access initiative, to foster global knowledge sharing and biblio-diversity.
Honours List 2024 salutes CityUHK community members
More than 20 members of the CityUHK community were named on the 2024 HKSAR Honours List for their significant contribution to Hong Kong and their dedicated public and community service.
CityUHK 30th Anniversary Short Video Competition encourages secondary students to show their creative potential in the community
CityUHK is celebrating its 30th Anniversary with a series of activities that bring together faculty, students and alumni for joyful celebrations. Some of these activities extend into the community. The CityUHK 30th Anniversary Short Film Competition welcomes participation from secondary school students in Hong Kong and other GBA cities to deepen their understanding of the University and promote creativity, collaboration and innovation.
CityUHK's electromagnetic defensive shield innovation wins RGC funding
A CityUHK scientist is participating in a research project on "High-Frequency, High-Power and High-Efficiency Wireless Power Transfer Technologies", which was awarded HK$28.36 million in funding from the RGC's Theme-based Research Scheme.

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