
HUANG, Yu (黃聿)


Chair Professor of Biomedical Sciences and Vascular Biology

Jeanie Hu Professorship in Biomedical Sciences

  • +852 3442-7746
  • Vascular and Metabolic Biology • Atherosclerosis • Mechanobiology • Exercise and Health Benefits
YAO, Xi (姚希)

Associate Head


  • +852 3442-4829
  • Bioinspired material • Biofunctional polymer • Bioelectronics • Bionanotechnology
CHENG, Shuk Han (鄭淑嫻)
CHENG, Shuk Han

Chair Professor of Molecular Medicine (BMS & MSE)

Associate Vice President (Research)

Executive Director (HKIAS)

Director of Laboratory Safety and Risk Management (LSU)

  • +852 3442-9027
  • Nature or nurture: molecular and chemical regulation of vertebrate embryonic development and adult organ regeneration
HE, Jufang (賀菊方)
HE, Jufang

Chair Professor of Neuroscience (NS & BMS)

Wong Chun Hong Chair Professor in Translational Neuroscience (NS & BMS)

Head (NS)

Director of Research Centre for Treatments of Brain Disorders (CBD)

Home department: NS

  • +852 3442-7042
  • Neuroscience: Hearing, Memory and Attention
LI, Ying (李嬰)
LI, Ying

Chair Professor (NS & BMS)

Home department: NS

  • +852 3442-2669
  • Brain mechanism of pain and cognitive deficits • Synaptic and myelin plasticity • Glia-neuron interaction
LU, Jian (呂堅)
LU, Jian

Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering (MNE, MSE & BMS)

Director (CASM & NPMM)

Senior Fellow (IAS)

Home department: MNE

  • +852 3442-9811
  • Experimental mechanics • Residual stress • Mechanical properties of metallic and ceramic materials • Metallurgy • 4D printing
YANG, Mengsu (Michael) (楊夢甦)
YANG, Mengsu (Michael)

Yeung Kin Man Chair Professor of Biomedical Sciences

Senior Vice-President (Innovation and Enterprise)

Director (TBSC)

Director (BTC)

  • +852 3442-7797
  • Cancer Biology • Microfluidic Technology • Nanomedicine
DENG, Xin (鄧新)


  • +852 3442-5693
  • Virulence regulation in pathogenic bacteria • Antibiotic resistance • Host-pathogens interactions • RNA epigenetics
HE, Mingliang (何明亮)
HE, Mingliang


  • +852 3442-4492
  • Anticancer • Antiviral • Signal Transduction • Biomarker • Drug Development • Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Stress • Innate Immune Response
LAU, C. K. Terrence (劉智剛)
LAU, C. K. Terrence


Associate Dean (SGS)

  • +852 3442-9327
  • RNA Biology and Technology • RNA Biogenesis • Structural and Chemical Biology • Molecular Microbiology
YIN, Huiyong (尹慧勇)
YIN, Huiyong


Associate Dean, Research (JCC)

  • +852 3442-2812
  • metabolic reprogramming • metabolomics/ lipidomics • atherosclerosis • liver cancer • lipid peroxidation • hyperuricemia and gout • mass spectrometry • ALDH2 • Aldolase
BAN, Kiwon (潘基沅)
BAN, Kiwon

Associate Professor

  • +852 3442-7477
  • Stem Cell Biology • Regenerative Medicine • Cardiovascular Regeneration • Cardiovascular Physiology
CHAN, K. H. Katie (陳紀行)
CHAN, K. H. Katie

Associate Professor (BMS & EE)

  • +852 3442-6661
  • Genetic and molecular epidemiology • Systems Biology • Computational biology • Bioinformatics • Diseases prediction and prevention
CHAN, Kui Ming (陳居明)
CHAN, Kui Ming

Associate Professor

  • +852 3442-4346
  • Cancer Biology • Cancer Genome Editing • CRISPR/Cas9 in vivo screen • Cancer Epigenetics
CHIN, Y. M. Rebecca (錢玥明)
CHIN, Y. M. Rebecca

Associate Professor

  • +852 3442-6743
  • Personalized targeted therapy • Cancer drivers and vulnerabilities in triple-negative breast cancer • PI3K/Akt signaling pathway in therapeutic resistance • Brain metastasis • Tumor organoids
KIM, Jin Young (金眞英)
KIM, Jin Young

Associate Professor

  • +852 3442-4309
  • circadian clocks • neural cells • adult neural stem cells • brain repair systems
LAO, Xiangqian (勞向前)
LAO, Xiangqian

Associate Professor

  • +852 3442-4828
  • Environmental Health (with a focus on Environmental Epidemiology) • Population Health • Air pollution and Health • Cohort study
LO, P. C. Gigi (盧沛芝)
LO, P. C. Gigi

Associate Professor

  • +852 3442-4493
  • Bioimaging • Drug delivery • Nanomedicine • Phototherapy • Supramolecular chemistry
MAK, K. L. Kingston (麥經綸)
MAK, K. L. Kingston

Associate Professor

  • +852 3442-2367
  • Skeletal Biology • Skeletal diseases • Tissue regeneration • Stem cell biology • Mechanobiology and energy metabolism
XIONG, Wenjun (熊文君)
XIONG, Wenjun

Associate Professor

  • +852 3442-2494
  • Photoreceptor cells • Retinal degeneration diseases • Gene therapy • Regenerative medicine
YAN, Jian (嚴健)
YAN, Jian

Associate Professor

  • +852 3442-9078
  • Molecular Mechanism of Osteosarcoma Tumorigenesis and Pulmonary Metastasis • lncRNA Function • Transcription Factor in Transcriptional Regulation • Genomic Tool Development
YUAN, H. Y. Sean (阮相宇)
YUAN, H. Y. Sean

Associate Professor

  • +852 3442-6660
  • Mathematical modelling & simulation • Computational biology • Infectious disease epidemiology • Population biology and evolution • Precision medicine
ZHANG, Liang (張亮)
ZHANG, Liang

Associate Professor

  • +852 3442-4495
  • Cancer-microenvironment interaction • Mass spectrometry and proteomics • Exosomes • Wnt signaling • Cell migration and metastasis
ZHENG, Zongli (鄭宗立)
ZHENG, Zongli

Associate Professor

  • +852 3442-2199
  • Precision Genome Editing • Liquid Biopsy • Gene Rearrangement
CHEN, Lingxi (陳凌曦)
CHEN, Lingxi

Assistant Professor

  • +852 3442-2714
  • Molecular & Cell Diagnostics • Cancer Biology & Therapy • Genomics & Bioinformatics • Infectious Diseases & Immunity
CHEN, Xi (陳曦)

Assistant Professor (BMS & NS)

  • +852 3442-9754
  • higher order cortex • primary sensory cortex • neural circuit • innate responses • associative memory
CHOW, Kwan Ting (周筠庭)
CHOW, Kwan Ting

Assistant Professor

  • +852 3442-4395
  • cancer • immunology • immunotherapy • innate immunity
LIDSKY, Peter V.
LIDSKY, Peter V.

Assistant Professor

  • +852 3442-2914
  • aging • evolution • virology • cellular senescence • Drosophila
WANG, Li (王力)

Assistant Professor

  • +852 3442-9187
  • Metabolism • Cardiovascular • Drug screen • Secretory proteins • Organ crosstalk
ZHANG, Jilin (張繼林)
ZHANG, Jilin

Assistant Professor

  • +852 3442-2130
  • Computational Biology • RNA Binding Proteins • Long Non-coding RNAs • Epigenetics • Genomics • Evolutionary Biology • Sex Chromosome
Research Interest
Stem Cell Biology • Regenerative Medicine • Cardiovascular Regeneration • Cardiovascular Physiology
+852 3442-7477
Genetic and molecular epidemiology • Systems Biology • Computational biology • Bioinformatics • Diseases prediction and prevention
+852 3442-6661
Molecular & Cell Diagnostics • Cancer Biology & Therapy • Genomics & Bioinformatics • Infectious Diseases & Immunity
+852 3442-2714
higher order cortex • primary sensory cortex • neural circuit • innate responses • associative memory
+852 3442-9754
Cancer Biology • Cancer Genome Editing • CRISPR/Cas9 in vivo screen • Cancer Epigenetics
+852 3442-4346
Nature or nurture: molecular and chemical regulation of vertebrate embryonic development and adult organ regeneration
+852 3442-9027
Personalized targeted therapy • Cancer drivers and vulnerabilities in triple-negative breast cancer • PI3K/Akt signaling pathway in therapeutic resistance • Brain metastasis • Tumor organoids
+852 3442-6743
cancer • immunology • immunotherapy • innate immunity
+852 3442-4395
Virulence regulation in pathogenic bacteria • Antibiotic resistance • Host-pathogens interactions • RNA epigenetics
+852 3442-5693

HE, Jufang


Home department: NS

Neuroscience: Hearing, Memory and Attention
+852 3442-7042
Anticancer • Antiviral • Signal Transduction • Biomarker • Drug Development • Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Stress • Innate Immune Response
+852 3442-4492
Vascular and Metabolic Biology • Atherosclerosis • Mechanobiology • Exercise and Health Benefits
+852 3442-7746
circadian clocks • neural cells • adult neural stem cells • brain repair systems
+852 3442-4309
Environmental Health (with a focus on Environmental Epidemiology) • Population Health • Air pollution and Health • Cohort study
+852 3442-4828
RNA Biology and Technology • RNA Biogenesis • Structural and Chemical Biology • Molecular Microbiology
+852 3442-9327

LI, Ying


Home department: NS

Brain mechanism of pain and cognitive deficits • Synaptic and myelin plasticity • Glia-neuron interaction
+852 3442-2669
aging • evolution • virology • cellular senescence • Drosophila
+852 3442-2914
Bioimaging • Drug delivery • Nanomedicine • Phototherapy • Supramolecular chemistry
+852 3442-4493

LU, Jian


Home department: MNE

Experimental mechanics • Residual stress • Mechanical properties of metallic and ceramic materials • Metallurgy • 4D printing
+852 3442-9811
Skeletal Biology • Skeletal diseases • Tissue regeneration • Stem cell biology • Mechanobiology and energy metabolism
+852 3442-2367
Metabolism • Cardiovascular • Drug screen • Secretory proteins • Organ crosstalk
+852 3442-9187
Photoreceptor cells • Retinal degeneration diseases • Gene therapy • Regenerative medicine
+852 3442-2494
Molecular Mechanism of Osteosarcoma Tumorigenesis and Pulmonary Metastasis • lncRNA Function • Transcription Factor in Transcriptional Regulation • Genomic Tool Development
+852 3442-9078
Cancer Biology • Microfluidic Technology • Nanomedicine
+852 3442-7797
Bioinspired material • Biofunctional polymer • Bioelectronics • Bionanotechnology
+852 3442-4829
metabolic reprogramming • metabolomics/ lipidomics • atherosclerosis • liver cancer • lipid peroxidation • hyperuricemia and gout • mass spectrometry • ALDH2 • Aldolase
+852 3442-2812
Mathematical modelling & simulation • Computational biology • Infectious disease epidemiology • Population biology and evolution • Precision medicine
+852 3442-6660
Cancer-microenvironment interaction • Mass spectrometry and proteomics • Exosomes • Wnt signaling • Cell migration and metastasis
+852 3442-4495
Computational Biology • RNA Binding Proteins • Long Non-coding RNAs • Epigenetics • Genomics • Evolutionary Biology • Sex Chromosome
+852 3442-2130
Gene rearrangement • Liquid biopsy • Precision genome editing
+852 3442-2199

Our email address is in the form of xxx@cityu.edu.hk e.g. john.doe@cityu.edu.hk.

6 October 2024