
Showing 41 to 50 of 56 results
CityU has signed a strategic partnership with Xiamen University on marine environment research, and plans to collaborate with the Chinese Academy of Sciences on sustainable agricultural development.
CityU further endorsed its commitment to engaging in activities that benefit society at its Social Responsibility Day on 12 February under the theme People and Planet.
More than 20 CityU faculty, staff and students took a tour on the visiting floating university, MV Explorer, to gain a first-hand experience of on-board education, on 23 February.
CityU became the first university in Asia to be inducted into the century-old of the international honour society Kappa Delta Pi, during a solemn swearing in ceremony conducted on campus on 22 September.
A number of recently graduated CityU students have been admitted to postgraduate programmes at the world’s top universities, including Cambridge University and Oxford University in the UK, to continue their pursuit of academic and research excellence.
More than 100 university students gathered at CityU for the Student Leadership Conference 2009. The theme of the conference, running from 1 to 6 June, was “University education and employability”.
Fifty diligent elderly students received certificates at a ceremony on 19 May, after completing their Elder Academy courses this semester.
The China Proper Track Society of the Students' Union of CityU staged a National Flag Raising Ceremony on 30 April, to mark the 90th Anniversary of the May Fourth Movement
The Career and Internship Office invited employers from more than 30 companies and organisations to a cocktail reception held on 27 April to help forge stronger ties between the employers and the university.
A seminar on “Higher education in the UK and Hong Kong during the economic downturn” was held at CityU on 16 April, co-organised by CityU and University of Sheffield, United Kingdom.

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