
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 results
HK Tech 300 signs MoU with Pacific Coffee
CityU and Pacific Coffee jointly announced on 13 December that they will collaborate on fostering an innovative entrepreneurship culture, and thus contribute to innovation and technology development throughout Hong Kong.
Professor Peter Burke, Emeritus Professor of Cultural History at the University of Cambridge, discussed the conditions of innovation in the latest City University Distinguished Lecture, held on 26 November.
Theoretical physicist Professor Edouard Brézin delivered the latest talk in the France–Hong Kong Distinguished Lecture Series on 19 November.
An MOU signed with Longgang District Government of Shenzhen will strengthen cooperation in higher education, innovative technology, financial projects, veterinary medicine and international technology transfer.
Renowned HIV/AIDS researcher Professor David D. Ho discussed the progress of various potential vaccines at a City University Distinguished Lecture on 12 November.
Ms Fung Ming-chu, Director of the National Palace Museum in Taipei, discussed the challenges and changes at the museum over the last 50 years.
Professor Pierre-Louis Lions gave a talk titled “On Mean Field Games” as part of the France–HK Lecture Series on 10 November.
Professor Crabtree of the University of Tennessee assessed the historical and political similarities between 1914 and the start of World War One and today’s geopolitical context 100 years later.
The mathematician Professor Roger J-B Wets from the University of California, Davis, discussed issues related to predicting energy supply needs for an energy mix that includes renewables.
Professor Felipe Cucker of the Department of Mathematics and Professor Sun Dong of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering have won this year’s CityU Outstanding Research Award.

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