
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 results
Director Fung Ming-chu of the National Palace Museum in Taipei discussed Castiglione and Chinese art at a CityU Distinguished Lecture.
Dr Seppo Honkapohja, a member of the Board of the Bank of Finland, talked at the latest installment of the CityU Distinguished Lecture Series on 21 April.
Professor Nora Tam Fung-yee of the Department of Biology and Chemistry gave the latest talk in the President’s Lecture Series: Excellence in Academia.
Fields Medalist Professor Cédric Villani talked about the stability of the solar system at CityU's France-Hong Kong Distinguished Lecture Series.
Professor (Chair) Li Ping has been invited, together with 13 respected institutions and companies from around the world, to join a European Commission-funded international research project on future mobile communication systems.
CityU is hosting the Foundations of Computational Mathematics conference, the largest mathematics conference yet to be staged at the University.
Professor Cheng Hsiao, Honorary Professor, Department of Economics and Finance, delivered a distinguished lecture on 5 June, evaluating the economic impact of CEPA on Hong Kong.
CityU hosted the “Public Forum on Hong Kong Healthcare Reform” to generate more diverse healthcare policy views and enrich the policy-making process on 5 June.
CityU and the Chinese University of Hong Kong organised an e-book international conference on 3 June to enable librarians from Hong Kong and the region to exchange ideas on purchasing and using this electronic educational resource.
Student Leadership Conference 2008 brings together at CityU 150 students from renowned worldwide universities to help forge the next generation of corporate and community leaders.

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