
Showing 31 to 40 of 99 results
The new 4-year curriculum has prompted CityU to construct Academic 2 (AC2) and Academic 3 (AC3). The designs for both buildings incorporate many green features, earning AC3 a green building award recently.
The 18-month-long “Zero Food Waste in CityU” campaign will promote environmental protection and a greener campus.
CityU has marked an important milestone in the development of its campus with the opening of Academic 2.
Researchers at CityU have found that an artificially constructed wetland can remove up to 90% of pollutants in wastewater.
Virtual robots built by over 200 local secondary school students fought each other in the CityU-CS Robocode Contest 2011.
Three postgraduate students from CityU have won a First Class Award at the 7th National Postgraduate Mathematics Contest in Modelling.
Dr Liu Wenyin, Assistant Professor of the Department of Computer Science, has been honoured with a prestigious fellowship in recognition of his anti-phishing research.
CityU won the Biggest Unit Saver Award in the company category of the Power Smart Contest 2010, which was organised by Friends of the Earth (HK), recognising the University’s dedication in creating a low-carbon campus.
Secondary school students had the opportunity to learn more about computer programming at the CityU-CS Robocode Contest 2010 organised by CityU on 20 November.
Professor Li Qing from the Department of Computer Science at CityU has received a grant for an innovative system that compiles e-books based on individual users’ interests and learning competences.

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