
Showing 31 to 40 of 56 results
The energy you spend in daily activities, such as exercising, walking or even sitting and typing in front of the computer, will no longer be wasted, but converted to electrical energy for powering-up your smart electronics through a wearable energy-harvesting device developed by CityU.
A CityU student triumphed for Hong Kong at the World Lifesaving Championships.
Artificial leaves developed by CityU and partners can help to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
A novel biorefinery process developed by CityU scientists that turns food waste into textile fibre has won a top international invention award.
A student from the School of Energy and Environment used knowledge learned in class during a waste audit project at the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens in March.
Twenty-three students at CityU have been awarded over HK$1.6 million scholarships in recognition of their outstanding achievements.
CityU hosted the “International Conference on the Maritime World of East Asia in 16th-19th Century”. It was held in collaboration with the National Palace Museum in Taipei to promote academic exchange.
The Department of Chinese and History held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to signal the establishment of the department on 19 January.
Renowned for its outstanding activities in the humanities, the existing Chinese Civilisation Centre helped to officially launch the Department of Chinese and History on 1 July.
A novel self-cleaning technology for cashmere fibres as well as testing platforms and standard protocols for measuring the health impact of self-cleaning textile products have been developed by a CityU team.

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