
Showing 1 to 10 of 12 results
CityU students learned about industry and professional opportunities in mainland China at a specially arranged dinner with industrialists on 22 March.
Biophysicist Professor Robert Austin from Princeton University explained the evolutionary dynamics behind drug-resistance bacteria at a CityU Distinguished Lecture on 21 March.
Professor Lee Chin-chuan, Chair Professor and Head of the Department of Media and Communication, gave the latest talk in the President's Lecture Series: Excellence in Academia on 2 March.
Over 500 people attended the 2012 Chief Executive Candidates’ Environmental Policy Forum, which was co-sponsored by CityU.
Professor Gregory Lee, Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, kicked off a new series of talks with a lecture on cross-disciplinary approaches to tertiary education.
China needs to develop appropriate technology and labour training, expand the higher value-added components of the manufacturing supply chain and liberalise the labour market to sustain growth, said Professor Eden Yu of College of Business.
Two outstanding mainland scientists shared their views on advances in astronomy over the past 400 years and China’s success in building roads and bridges at CityU on 25 November.
The renowned computer expert Dr Lee Kai-Fu gave a lecture on 12 November to CityU faculty and students entitled “The Chinese Internet: A Reflection of China”.
A leading authority on computer technology discussed at a talk at CityU how cloud computing will impact future generations.
Professor Jean-Marie Lehn, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, discussed science, metaphysics, philosophy and art in his City University Distinguished Lecture Series.

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