
Showing 11 to 20 of 52 results
Marine experts from around the world are congregating at CityU on 1–3 June for the 6th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology.
CityU has obtained approval from the Ministry of Science and Technology to set up the State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution.
An innovative transgenic fish technology developed by CityU that can efficiently detect estrogen disrupters in the environment is being exhibited at the Hong Kong Science Museum, showcasing the University’s latest environmental technology to the public.
CityU is hosting an academician conference “Energy and Environment: Crisis, Opportunities and Challenges” on 5-6 November, bringing together distinguished world academicians to offer new insights into the formulation of future energy and environmental policies.
MERIT, led by CityU, has been awarded HK$23.6 million funding from the UGC’s Areas of Excellence Scheme, in recognition of its outstanding contributions to the research and management of the marine environment in Hong Kong and worldwide.
Three research projects led by CityU have received funding from the RGC Collaborative Research Fund 2008-09 totalling HK$16.2 million. CityU was granted the highest amount of funding among the local universities this year.
Nobel Laureate, Chair Professor-at-Large at City University of Hong Kong, Professor Jean-Marie Lehn, of Collège de France, delivered a series of lectures to Department of Biology and Chemistry staff and students on 29 October.
CityU and Hong Kong Ocean Park Conservation Foundation researchers have released 15 captive-bred horseshoe crabs into the wild. The animals will now be tracked and their progress monitored in a bid to save the endangered species.
Among the eight local higher education institutions in Hong Kong, CityU was ranked third in terms of the percentage of successful applications for funding from the 2008-09 General Research Fund.
About 150 marine environmental scientists, academics and students from Hong Kong and the mainland attended a symposium on climate change and marine pollution at CityU from 9-10 January.

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