
Showing 11 to 20 of 33 results
Professor Way Kuo, University President, met with about 70 mainland postgraduates on 21 November and shared with students his views on education and personal development
Four Department of English students have received the CityU History Award and will assist in writing the English version of CityU's history as part of the University's 25th anniversary celebration.
The CityU Chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma, a well-regarded international business society, was installed on 26 November 2008. Almost 200 students and alumni from the College of Business were inducted as inaugural members.
November has been dubbed InternatioNovember by the International and Non-local Students Office to promote cultural exchange between countries.
The Creative Media Society joins hands with charity groups to hold a multi-media art exhibition from 22 November to 5 December to raise funds for Sichuan earthquake victims.
Environmental protection ranks with the education system as the top sustainable development priorities according to the results of the 2007/8 Hong Kong Sustainable Development Index Survey led by CityU
The School of Law hosted a talk on 19 November entitled “Current International Situation and Chinese Diplomacy” featuring as speaker Mr Zhan Yongxin, Deputy Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC in the HKSAR.
Renowned author Professor Pai Hsien-yung discussed the traditional Chinese opera genre of Kunqu at the Cultural Salon organised on 17 November by CityU's Cultural and Sports Committee.
CityU has invited five distinguished academics to visit the School of Creative Media to provide expert advice on the strategic direction of the School, with a target of achieving global leadership and local preeminence.
For the second successive year, students majoring in BA (Hons) in Language Studies (Korean) in the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics were awarded scholarships by Samsung Electronics Hong Kong in recognition of their outstanding performance.

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