
Showing 1 to 10 of 37 results
CityU has dedicated Lecture Theatre 2 to Mr Sze Chi-ching, JP, Chairman of Hang Tung Resources Holding Limited, in appreciation of his contributions to Hong Kong and his generous donations to support the development of CityU.
The second City Literary Festival organized by CityU will be held from 30 March to 2 April. Prominent writers have been invited as guest speakers to promote literature in Hong Kong and Macau and encourage youngsters to attempt literary writing.
Two CityU business students have received the Silver Award in the first "Outstanding Financial Planning Award for Hong Kong Undergraduates" contest.
A high-level CityU delegation to Eastern Europe accomplished its mission by signing seven exchange agreements with four top universities during a visit to the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania in March.
Liang Xiangdong, a CityU postgraduate student in the Applied Mathematics programme, has been awarded full scholarships by world-class universities MIT, UC Berkeley and Oxford for doctoral studies.
Two business students of City University of Hong Kong and the Community College of City University have defeated hundreds of local business students to grab a major prize at the Business Administration Paper 2006 competition.
Professor Cheng Pei-kai of the Chinese Civilisation Centre launches The Complete Annotated Collection of Chinese Tea Books which he co-edited with Professor Zhu Zizhen from Nanjing Agricultural University.
A record high of $205m has been raised by CityU under the Third Matching Grant Scheme. The money will be used to support University development, research and departmental functions, as well as student learning.
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to China, CityU Choir presented the musical "A Wide Wide World Out There" at South China University of Technology in Guangzhou on 18 March.
Twenty-three gifted secondary school students with outstanding potential in electronics technology finished the University-based Electronics Technology Project Study 2006-07

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