
Showing 11 to 20 of 28 results
CityU’s new fast-track ventilation system can thoroughly filter Covid-19
A new ventilation system developed by a research team at CityU can thoroughly filter viral particles and quickly stop the spread of Covid-19 in the air and at low cost.
CityU co-organises international exhibition and forum with world-class universities to explore urbanism and urbanisation
CityU co-organises an international exhibition and forum with world-class universities, bringing together top experts and scholars in architecture and civil engineering from all over the world to discuss urbanism and urbanisation.
Flexible electronic sensors enable more exhaustive joint health monitoring
Joint disorders due to prolonged sedentary postures at work can now be effectively prevented and rehabilitated thanks to a new sensor developed at CityU.
A team of students from the Department of Electronic Engineering have won a Gold Award in a mobile communications competition organized by Ericsson Limited and SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited.
Two students have showed that CityU has what it takes to succeed in the international arena, performing brilliantly in advanced coursework on an exchange programme at the University of Houston in the US.
CityU raised its standing among local tertiary institutions in this year's Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG) Applications, increasing its funding to HK$56.8 million, a 4.4 per cent increase over last year's results of HK$54.4 million.
The CityU Alumni Association and the Alumni Affairs and Development Office (AADO) brought more than 60 alumni together on 17 July so that University alumni and students can get to know each other better and extend their networks.
Chair Professor Johnny Chan of the Department of Physics and Materials Science kicked off a press conference announcing his appointment to head Shanghai's Typhoon Research Institute with a bold prediction: "We expect to see about four typhoons in the South China region this year, but the rainfall is likely to be heavy."
One of the world's most renowned experts on international trade law, Dr Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, visited CityU on 19 July to deliver a lecture on competition rules in the World Trade Organization.
CityU's College of Higher Vocational Studies has signed an academic exchange agreement as well as a student exchange agreement with Nagasaki International University in Japan.

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