
Showing 111 to 120 of 169 results
The Faculty of Business at CityU held a "Global Mall 2007" carnival, aimed at building a new platform for cultural exchange on campus.
A high-level CityU delegation to Eastern Europe accomplished its mission by signing seven exchange agreements with four top universities during a visit to the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania in March.
Seven CityU students from the BBA (Hons) China Business programme have conducted research and compiled a report on benchmarking of operation standards for call centres in China. The report is the first of its kind in China.
FB joins ranks of elite international business schools with official accreditation by the European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS).
CityU is hosting the first ever All China Economics International Conference in a bid to foster exchange among scholars and professionals on economic issues concerning China and members of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation.
A six-member delegation from the China Association of Science and Technology, led by its Chairman Professor Han Qide, visited City University of Hong Kong on 7 November.
Four students from the Faculty of Business clinched Silver Prize at the 5th Business Plan Competition held in mid-October with their business plan mapped out on the basis of sharp marketing sense and professional knowledge in system analysis.
Nearly 200 Year 2 business students spent their summer vacation gaining real work experience in a variety of organizations through the internship programmes offered by the Faculty of Business.
A group of CityU students said their experience on the AIA Young Leaders Development Programme 2006 broadened their horizons and enhanced their understanding of leadership.
CityU has admitted 400 students from the mainland since last year. They aspire to make the best use of their time at CityU to lay a solid foundation for their future.

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