
Showing 91 to 100 of 159 results
CityU is the first local tertiary-level institution to set up a special charter dedicated to promoting social responsibility.
Boosted with new members drawn from society, the CityU Court was briefed on the University’s latest achievements and key initiatives at its 4th general meeting.
CityU has conferred honorary doctorates on five prominent individuals: Mr Chung Shui-ming, Dr Barry Lam, Dr Lee Kai-Fu, Professor Jean-Marie Lehn and The Hon Andrew Li Kwok-nang on 11 November.
CityU conferred the title of Honorary Fellow on four distinguished persons in recognition of their distinctive contributions to the development of, and service to, the University.
Two of CityU's honorary degree holders, one of its most prominent benefactors and a former Court member have been included in the 2010 Honours List.
CityU will confer Honorary Fellowships on Mrs Stella Lau Kun Lai-kuen, Dr Raymond Leung Siu-hong, Dr Leung Wing-tai and Dr Dennis T L Sun in recognition of their significant contributions to the development of, and service to, the University.
Distinguished speakers with outstanding achievements attended a CityU seminar on 8 May to share their views with senior secondary students on how teenagers can maintain the momentum in their lives in face of constant challenges.
CityU will confer honorary doctoral degrees on Mr Chung Shui-ming, Dr Barry Lam, Dr Lee Kai-Fu, Professor Jean-Marie Lehn and The Hon Chief Justice Andrew Li Kwok-nang in recognition of their significant contribution to education and the well-being of society.
The Court, the supreme advisory body of City University of Hong Kong (CityU), held its third meeting on 8 December, focusing on progress in priority areas identified last year by the Council.
The Council approved the new five-year strategic plan of CityU, entitled “Excellence in Research and Professional Education”, at its meeting on 26 November 2009.

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