
Showing 21 to 30 of 92 results
Over 500 high school students competed in the Fifth CityU-CS Robocode Contest in November.
Virtual robots competed against each other in the final contest of the fourth CityU-CS Robocode Contest held at CityU.
New learning spaces at CityU in support of the Discovery-enriched Curriculum will give students the chance to create, test and communicate ideas.
A CityU computer science graduate has been offered a position as a software engineer at Google’s US headquarters due to his outstanding performance in an international programming competition.
A Computer Science PhD student at CityU won the Best Paper Award at the 2012 Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia.
Virtual robots battled it out in a computer game programming competition held on 24 November at CityU.
A creative and highly practical mobile app developed by a CityU computer science student has won a Gold Award at the 2012 Pan-Pearl River Delta University Student IT Project Competition.
Researchers at CityU have found that an artificially constructed wetland can remove up to 90% of pollutants in wastewater.
Virtual robots built by over 200 local secondary school students fought each other in the CityU-CS Robocode Contest 2011.
Three postgraduate students from CityU have won a First Class Award at the 7th National Postgraduate Mathematics Contest in Modelling.

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