
Showing 21 to 30 of 105 results
Dr Stephen Liao Shaoyi, Associate Professor from the Department of Information Systems, has received sponsorship of more than HK$10 million from the Innovation and Technology Fund and the industry to conduct three research projects on traffic systems.
About 200 scholars and professionals from around the world gathered at the All China Economic International Conference on 14 December to exchange ideas on a variety of economic issues concerning the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation community.
The environment was given the good news and the bad news at a Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta Distinguished Lecture delivered by world-renowned economist and Honorary Professor at CityU, Professor Gregory Chow.
A number of recently graduated CityU students have been admitted to postgraduate programmes at the world’s top universities, including Cambridge University and Oxford University in the UK, to continue their pursuit of academic and research excellence.
The “Information Systems Symposium - IT Innovation in the Next Decade” staged by the Department of Information Systems provided informed insights into the potential developments in this field from 6 - 7 July.
A PhD student and instructor from the Department of Information Systems has earned an Emerald Management Reviews Citation of Excellence Award from among 15,000 articles published in world-renowned management journals.
The first Eco-tour Design Competition of CityU concluded at an award ceremony held on 7 April. The Ma Wan eco-tour designed by Priscilla Ho and Terry Choi, students of the Department of Information Systems, received the champion.
PhD students Terrance Fung Chi-yeung and Jean Lai Hok-yin of CityU have received scholarships of up to AUD$240,000 (around HK$1.3million) over three years to sponsor their research on ways to fight market misconduct and defend market integrity.
In order to prepare its 2009-14 Strategic Plan, CityU has organised five Strategic Planning "Buzz" Group meetings from 16 to 24 March to solicit the views and opinions of its stakeholders.
I participated in the Lunar New Year Fair organised by the CityU Buddy Scheme on 6 February. I had the opportunity to mingle with friends from different countries and learnt about the traditional Chinese culture. We had an unforgettable night.

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