
Showing 51 to 60 of 105 results
Duan Renjun, a mathematics PhD student at CityU, was awarded the Zhong Jiaqing Mathematics Award for his outstanding research into the mathematical theory of the Boltzmann Equation. He is the only recipient from Hong Kong.
CityU is holding its 2007 Congregation from 6 November to 15 November. The successful stories of two graduates, Sandy Kwan and Louise Zhang, testify that the University's prfessional and whole-person education help them embark on their professional careers.
Many CityU graduates have been admitted for postgraduate studies at the world’s famous universities, reinforcing our stature as a university with strengths in curriculum design, teaching and research that produces quality graduates.
CityU co-organizes “Mainland Students Learning Camp on Financial Management 2007”, providing mainland students with an opportunity to learn about Hong Kong's financial and economic development and to exchange with Hong Kong students.
World-renowned economist Professor Gregory C. Chow shared his views on applied research in his speech “From Research to Social Change” on 9 July at CityU. The event was co-organized by Run Run Shaw Library and the Department of Economics and Finance.
CityU hosted an international conference in conjunction with National Taiwan University to foster academic exchanges on issues relating to trade and economic development.
The Council of City University of Hong Kong has appointed Professor Richard Ho Yan-ki as Acting President of the University with effect from 1 May, 2007.
Two CityU business students have received the Silver Award in the first "Outstanding Financial Planning Award for Hong Kong Undergraduates" contest.
A high-level CityU delegation to Eastern Europe accomplished its mission by signing seven exchange agreements with four top universities during a visit to the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania in March.
Liang Xiangdong, a CityU postgraduate student in the Applied Mathematics programme, has been awarded full scholarships by world-class universities MIT, UC Berkeley and Oxford for doctoral studies.

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