
Showing 1 to 9 of 9 results
Professor Yan Hong, Chair Professor of the Department of Electronic Engineering, gave a talk on the opportunities and challenges presented by big data and AI.
A delegation from the Tohoku University signed an institutional level student exchange agreement at CityU.
A research team led by CityU has found a shortcut for developing new drugs which can potentially reduce time and costs by sorting out high potential candidates out of a long list of chemical compounds, with an accuracy of around 50%.
A research project conducted by EE has developed technology that can optimise mobile network design and reduce the energy consumption of the base stations by a minimum of 4.5%.
Research into neutron scattering in Hong Kong will benefit with the opening on 27 February of a joint laboratory co-established by CityU and the Institute of High Energy Physics under the CAS.
A new material developed by CityU and NJUST researchers holds great promise for the aerospace industry.
Sir Colin Blakemore explained the evolutionary changes in human brains at a Distinguished Lecture on 16 August.
Leading scientists participate in IAS workshop on genes and chromosomes.
A Nobel Laureate discussed the future of the International System of Units at an IAS distinguished lecture at CityU on 28 July.

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