
Showing 11 to 18 of 18 results
The renowned physicist and Nobel Laureate Professor Claude Cohen-Tannoudji gave a lecture at CityU on major breakthroughs in the evolution of atomic physics.
Professor Paul Chu of the Department of Physics and Materials Science delivers the latest in the President's Lecture Series: Excellence in Academia at CityU with a talk titled “Surface Engineering and Modification of Materials”.
The Run Run Shaw Library at CityU is hosting an exhibition of more than 40 artworks of calligraphy, paintings and seal carvings by three acclaimed Chinese artists.
CityU is co-organising with Cornell University and The Hong Kong Jockey Club a 3-day symposium to enhance the expertise of equine veterinary surgeons in the treatment of equine upper airway disease.
Professor Way Kuo was awarded an honorary doctorate by Beijing Institute of Technology on 11 January, and gave a talk on reliability and future energy development after the conferment ceremony.
More than 60 courses aimed at equipping students with cross-disciplinary knowledge were showcased at the GE Fair
Bio-inspired materials newly developed by CityU can significantly improve the efficiency of electronic cooling, opening up the possibilities for shrinking the size of electronic products even further.
Ceremonies were held on 6 January to welcome the fourth batch of Chinese judges taking the LLM programme and to congratulate the third batch that has just completed the one-year programme at CityU.

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