
Showing 11 to 20 of 30 results
Members of the Court were briefed on the latest developments at CityU on 7 December.
Professor Luk Kwai-man, Chair Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at CityU, has been conferred the prestigious IEEE AP-S John Kraus Antenna Award.
CityU Exhibition Gallery is featuring one of the most enduring Chinese martial art systems, Lingnan Hung Kuen, along with innovative new media technology and 3D visualisation at a new exhibition on campus.
Four film directors were invited to a talk on 30 November where they shared their experiences in directing.
The 5th “Discovery & Innovation Debating Challenge” enabled secondary school students to sharpen debating skills and taste innovative learning at CityU.
Outstanding marketing students earned corporate acclaim for their professional analysis, creativity and outstanding communication skills as their projects were bestowed with Student Marketing Consultancy Projects Awards.
CityU students claimed 12 of the 20 prizes on offer in four categories at the fourth City Literary Awards, reflecting the language proficiency and sound understanding of literature of the University’s students.
School of Law held its inauguration ceremony for the Advanced Programme for Chinese Senior Judges on 25 May. The programme focused on enhancing the judges’ knowledge of the common law system and important international legal concepts.
Three students from the College of Science and Engineering earned a Meritorious Winner honour from among 1,675 international teams in the 2009 Mathematical Contest in Modelling.
The College of Science and Engineering is launching a Student Project Exhibition to showcase student creativity in technology, which enables hundreds of secondary school students to learn about the relationship between science and our daily lives.

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