
Showing 31 to 38 of 38 results
“Piled Rocks and Dredged Waters: The Art of Suzhou Gardens,”presented at CityU Gallery from 15 January to 6 March, offers students and the public a taste of the aesthetics of the renowned Suzhou Gardens.
The Technology Transfer Forum showcased CityU's latest updates on intelligent maintenance machinery and systems, 13 January.
Views from Mount South — A collection of essays iby CityU scholars was published by the CityU Press on 6 January.
Direct applications for CityU's Research Degree, Taught Postgraduate, Bachelor's Degree and government-funded Associate Degree programmes will be accepted from 14 January onwards. This year, we have 14 new programmes.
CityU’s Industrial Attachment Scheme (IAS) has expanded from Asia to Europe by entering into a collaboration with the Georg-Simon-Ohm-Fachhochschule, University of Applied Sciences (GSO-UAS) in Germany. Both universities have pledged to look for industrial companies in their respective regions that will accept students for industrial placements.
Final-year students in the Department of Marketing were honoured for their outstanding consultancy work at an awards ceremony on 5 January.
Since 26 December, our hearts have been deeply saddened by the devastating tsunamis in South Asia. To help relieve the grief and suffering of bereaved children, CityU has joined hands with UNICEF to organize a fundraising campaign to provide education kits for tsunami-affected children.
At a recent roundtable discussion jointly organized by CityU's School of Law (SLW) and the China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), academics from various disciplines exchanged views with practitioners on key issues relating to the problem of corruption and good governance in Asia.

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