
Showing 1 to 10 of 31 results
Honorary Doctorates 2020
CityU conferred honorary doctorates on five distinguished persons in recognition of their significant contributions to education and the well-being of society.
Prof Liew
Professor Liew Kim-meow, Chair Professor of the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at CityU, has been elected Foreign Member of the Academia Europaea for his significant contributions in engineering science.
Breakthrough in making solar cells more efficient, scalable, and ‘green’
A research team led by scientists at CityU has discovered an exciting new way to make solar power more effective and more environmentally friendly.
Bubbles: Science, sustainability and technology
Bubbles were the topic of a talk by Professor Pan Chin, Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and CLP Power Chair Professor of Nuclear Engineering, at the President’s Lecture Series: Excellence in Academia on 7 October.
Data-driven crisis management
The Covid-19 pandemic contains the kind of multi-element problems evident in systems that require careful analysis in order to prevent delays and minimise chaotic responses, according to President Way Kuo of CityU.
 CityU stalwarts honoured in 2020 Honours List
Seven members of the CityU community have been named on the 2020 Honours List.
Around 350 music lovers -- including children and grownups -- packed the Wei Hing Theatre on 26 March for a piano concert in commemoration of composer Ludwig van Beethoven, who died that same day 175 years ago.
Under the EduDynamics theme, CityU's WebCourse Fair 2001-02 showcased the creativity, energy, and diversity of the University's Web educators as they enhance the learning experience through the Internet.
A delegation of consuls-general representing seven countries were greeted by President H K Chang and other senior staff members including Vice-President for Institutional Advancement, Professor Y S Wong, and Vice-President for Planning and Information Services, Mr John Dockerill at the Multimedia Conference Room on 22 March.
CityU's top students were awarded scholarships, prizes and donations for their outstanding performance in academics, sports, arts and community services, at a presentation ceremony held at Wei Hing Theatre on March 20.

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