
Showing 21 to 30 of 45 results
A CityU law student was the first runner-up in the Fifth Inter-university Speech Contest—the "Metro Lions Cup".
The Faculty of Business at CityU held a "Global Mall 2007" carnival, aimed at building a new platform for cultural exchange on campus.
The Run Run Shaw Library of CityU has recently acquired two collections of significant Korean works written in Chinese which contribute to the studies of cultural exchange between China and Korea, as well as the development of the general education curriculum.
Education took the top position for the fourth year in a row as the most important factor for improving the quality of life in Hong Kong, according to a survey done by CityU and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong.
About 40 new student leaders at CityU pledged to serve their fellow students, the community and the motherland in a joint inauguration ceremony held on 1 April at the Wei Hing Theatre.
CityU has embarked on a series of mainland recruitment activities to showcase its strengths and achievements in a bid to recruit more outstanding mainland students.
Two young scholars from the Faculty of Science and Engineering at CityU have recently earned international awards in their respective fields, showcasing once again the University's applied research strength.
Gao Xingjian's City University of Hong Kong Lecture (Note: This is an excerpt from a lecture delivered on 31 January, 2001 at City University of Hong Kong by Mr Gao Xingjian, Nobel Prize Winner in Literature. The sub-headings were added by the editor.)
Professor Zhang Longxi of CityU responded to the SCMP article on Gao's visit to Hong Kong (2 February 2001) Nobel Prize winner GAO used to fewer restrictions in his adopted home of France (1 February 2001, SCMP)
Although his novel Soul Mountain is all about questioning -- of literature, Chinese history and even language -- Gao Xingjian, the first Chinese writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, says he has no desire to overturn anything. "There's no need to overturn the tradition. It is there and no one can deny it," said Gao at his public lecture on 31 January at CityU, where the celebrated author talked to a large and enthusiastic audience about his views on literature and writing.

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