College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
CLASS Faculty Bestowed with RGC Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship 2023/24
Photo: Prof Chan Hok-yin received the award at the 2023 RGC Award Presentation Ceremony on 2 November 2023.

The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences is delighted to announce that Professor CHAN Hok-yin, Associate Professor and Associate Head of CityU’s Department of Chinese and History, has been honoured as one of the awardees of the RGC Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme 2023/24 for his research project titled “The Scholar-Diplomat: Hu Shih as a Member of the Sino-British Boxer Indemnity Committee in 1920s”.

This fellowship, initiated by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of the University Grants Committee (UGC) in 2012/13, is awarded to outstanding investigators in the humanities and social sciences disciplines annually from UGC-funded universities. It provides scholars with the opportunity to concentrate on academic research and inquiries.

Prof Chan is a scholar of the modern intellectual history of China, focusing on the late imperial period and Republic China. The receipt of the esteemed fellowship is a testament to his commitment and promising contributions to the field of Chinese history. As he acquires the fellowship support to delve deeper into the humanities discipline, the academic community will eagerly anticipate the inspirational discoveries springing from his scholarly endeavours.