College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

New Faculty

Name Department Title Direct Line Email Interest Description Profile Page
Prof Simon FUNG Sai Fu
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences Assistant Professor 3442 4311 Computational social science; Health-related quality of life (HRQOL); Digital health; Gerontology; Sports Prof Fung obtained his PhD from the University of Warwick. Prior to joining City University of Hong Kong, he served at the University of Hong Kong. Click here
Prof Ashley Glen LEWIS
Department of Linguistics and Translation Assistant Professor 3442 8786 Psycholinguistics; Neurolinguistics; Syntax; Comparative Linguistics; Cognitive Control; Working Memory Prof Lewis' research focuses primarily on psycholinguistics/the cognitive neuroscience of language, and more specifically on what can be learned about language processing using electrophysiological methods like electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG). He has a particular interest in sentence comprehension and syntax, the role of cognitive control and working memory in these processes, and studying many of these issues from a cross-linguistic perspective. Click here
Prof BAO Le
Department of Public and International Affairs Assistant Professor 3442 7428 Political methodology; Political behavior; Environmental politics; Bayesian and nonparametric statistics; Spatial statistics; Survey methodology; Measurement; Statistical simulations; Container computing; Reproducible research Prof BAO received his Ph.D. from the Department of Government at American University in 2022. He was also previously a Visiting Graduate Fellow at the Institute for Quantitative Social Science, Harvard University and a Postdoc Fellow at the Massive Data Institute (MDI) of McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University. Click here
Prof Edmund LEE Wei Jian
Department of Media and Communication Associate Professor 3442 8868 Health communication; AI and big data in public health; Digital health technologies; Health inequalities/health disparities/communication inequalities; Physical health and well-being; Social media As a public health communication scientist, Prof Lee’s research focuses on developing health technologies to tackle health inequalities, and how to take advantage of digital traces—data from social media, smartphones, wearables, and electronic health records—intelligently and ethically to understand and improve public health outcomes. To date, he has secured more than HKD 5.8 million dollars in research funding as the Principal Investigator from various external agencies and organizations to develop inclusive digital health technologies and ecosystems. Click here
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Prof YANG Bin
Department of Chinese and History Professor 3442 8789 Click here
Prof CAO Nanlai
Department of Chinese and History Associate Professor 3442 5601 Everyday practice of religion in China and the Chinese diaspora with a focus on the relationship of religious life to local and national institutions of governance and state-managed economic globalization Prof Cao is a sociocultural anthropologist concerned with the intersection of religion, culture, and political economy. His interdisciplinary research has involved extended fieldwork conducted in the US, China, France and Italy. Click here
Prof LIU Dong
Department of Chinese and History Assistant Professor 3442 2426 Modern Chinese literature; Dongbei studies; Global leftist literature; Sino-American cultural relations Prof Liu earned his BA (2017) from Peking University. In 2022, he served as visiting staff at EALC, Harvard University. He received his Ph.D. from Peking University, where he was also awarded the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award (2023). He specializes in the history of modern Chinese literature. Click here
Prof ZHOU Shuhua
Department of Media and Communication Chair Professor of Communication and Media 3442 9331 International communication; Visual Communication; Media content, form and effects; Cognition of mediated messages Prof Zhou is a formal Leonard H. Goldenson Endowed Professor in Radio and Television Journalism at the Missouri School of Journalism. He held positions as Professor of Journalism and Creative Media, Professor of Telecommunication and Film, and Associate Dean for Graduate Studies at the University of Alabama where he worked for 19 years. He earned his MA and Ph.D. from the School of Journalism at Indiana University. He also held a BS degree in tropical crops from the South China College of Tropical Crops (now Hainan University) and a BA degree in English language and literature from Jinan University. Click here
Department of English Assistant Professor 3442 9806 Click here
Prof James JIA Mian
Department of English Assistant Professor 3442 8854 Language and persuasive health message design; Language and interpersonal communication Prof Jia obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. His research explores how subtle linguistic features shape people’s perceptions, intentions, and behaviors in various interpersonal, intercultural, health, and mediated contexts. He uses methods such as experimental design, corpus analysis, content analysis, and computerized text analysis. Click here
Prof Jamie MCKEOWN
Department of English Assistant Professor 3442 8753 Click here
Prof Reto Thomas Edgar WINCKLER
Department of English Assistant Professor 3442 9350 Click here
Prof Derrick HO Hung-chak
Department of Public and International Affairs Assistant Professor 3442 8787 Spatial demography and population health in global urban context; Social and environmental determinants of health; Interactions between built environment, deprivation, healthy lifestyle and non-communicable diseases; Public health surveillance and disaster risk management; Urban and housing management for community health actions Prof Ho is a spatial demographer and a population health specialist with extensive experience in urban health. His expertise includes 1) spatial and environmental epidemiology, and 2) community health. His research focuses on social and environmental determinants of health, with particular interests in interactions between neighborhood deprivation, natural and built environment, healthy behaviors, and non-communicable diseases. Click here
Prof Shane Gavin RYAN
Department of Public and International Affairs Assistant Professor 3442 4639 Philosophy, especially epistemology and ethics Click here
Prof Jason Derrick HARDING
Department of English Professor and Head 3442 8850 Click here
Prof Gabrielle CHEUNG Lai Ting
Department of Public and International Affairs Assistant Professor 3442 4746 Click here
Prof Eddie HUI Chi Man
Department of Public and International Affairs Chair Professor of Urban Policy and Management 3442 7420 Housing and urban studies Prof Hui received his BSc from The University of Hong Kong, MPhil and PhD from the University of Cambridge, UK. He is an all-round professional with diverse experience in research and consultancy projects. Click here
Prof Niels Olaf SCHILLER
Department of Linguistics and Translation Chair Professor of Psycho- and Neurolinguistics / Head 3442 9566 Syntactic; Morphological; Phonological processes in language production and reading aloud; Articulatory-motor processes during speech production; Language processing in neurologically impaired patients; Forensic phonetics Prof Schiller received his MA from the University of Trier, Germany and PhD from the Radboud University, the Netherlands. He is a world leader in the field of psycho- and neurolinguistics. Click here
Prof ZHANG Xinzhi
Department of Media and Communication Associate Professor 3442 6129 Digital journalism; Political communication; Public health campaign; AI law and policy; AI alignment and regulation; Innovation and social impacts; Computational social science; Comparative media studies Prof Zhang's research focuses on digital journalism, political communication, AI policy and regulation, public health campaigns, and computational social science. His research examines citizens’ digitally mediated communication about politics and health; and how digital technologies—especially Generative AI and social media—change news production and dissemination. His research aims to empower citizens by promoting deliberative conversations and helping government agencies, news organizations, technology companies, and start-ups design communication campaigns and policies, facilitating evidence-based interventions to reduce bias, inequality, and miscommunication. Click here
Prof Seungsu LEE
Department of Media and Communication Assistant Professor 3442 6265 Prof Lee's research expertise is media effects and political communication. Specifically, his research interests focus on socio-psychological effects of communication technologies in the context of journalism and politics. Click here
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences Assistant Professor 3442 8765 Prof Akartuna's research looks into the prevention of future crimes that involve emerging technologies, including web3, cryptoassets, DeFi, CBDCs, AI, new payment methods and developments in FinTech. He has experience in blockchain analytics, crypto crime investigations, dark web research and open-source intelligence. His research uses both academic and practitioner experience, as well as innovative methods such as horizon scanning and crime scripting, to devise preventative frameworks and early detection mechanisms. He has advised numerous private, governmental and international organisations on future crime threats and possible prevention measures. Click here
Prof KWOK Kim
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences Assistant Professor 3442 5798 Ethnic minorities; Immigrant economy; Gender and sexuality; Children and adolescents with special educational needs; Multicultural social work Click here
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Prof WANG Lianming
Department of Chinese and History Associate Professor 3442 9618 Global encounters of art and architecture in early modernity; Animal trade; Exchange of objects and diplomatic gifts; Export art; Ming-Qing gardens; Qing court workshops Prof Wang is a historian of global art focusing on early modern Sino-European exchanges. Currently, he is conducting a Gerda Henkel Stiftung-sponsored project (AZ 47/V/20) on Qing global animals. Click here
Prof Astrid HARTH
Department of Chinese and History Assistant Professor 3442 9733 Northern Renaissance art; Baroque art; Technical art history; Art and science; Western art history As both an art historian and conservation scientist, Prof Harth specialises in technical art history in particular in relation to Northern Renaissance and Baroque Art thus bridging art and science. In the coming years, she plans to conduct research on intentional alterations of early Netherlandish paintings as well as further develop research aimed at connecting art and science using imaging and analytical techniques. Click here
Prof SHEN Dewei
Department of Chinese and History Assistant Professor 3442 6978 Chinese archaeology; Material culture; Social and cultural history of early China; Jiandu manuscript studies; Empire studies With a broad research interest in Early China, Prof Shen conducted multiple surveys of ancient city sites (mainly Warring States and Qin-Han periods) in the middle Yangtze River region during the past years, and participated in a series of excavations, including archaeological fieldwork at late Neolithic sites in North China and burial sites of the Xiongnu and Mongols in Eastern Mongolia. Click here
Prof LI Jixing
Department of Linguistics and Translation Assistant Professor 3442 5596 Human-computer interaction Prof Li’s research applies computational models to understand how the human brain represents and computes semantic and syntactic information during language comprehension. Click here
Prof Bert GEORGE
Department of Public and International Affairs Associate Professor 3442 4596 Strategic planning and management in public administration; Public sector performance; Behavioral public policy and administration; Meta science in public administration Prof George has worked with several international organizations such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in advising governments on how to enhance their performance and implement strategic planning and management practices. He is currently Managing Editor of Public Administration Review, a leading journal in the field. His work has been cited in a range of policy-relevant reports and plans such as the 2022 US Budget Guidance for US Federal Agencies. Click here
Prof Maggie JIANG Mengyin
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences Assistant Professor 3442 8832 Self-related information processing; Cross-culture comparison; Evolution and behaviour; Categorisation; Priming Prof Jiang’s research interests are in social cognition, focusing on the impact of social factors (social experiences, culture, etc) on information processing, as well as the underlying mechanisms of information processing. Click here
Prof ZHEN Shanshan
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences Assistant Professor 3442 8994 Social neuroscience; Decision making; Cognitive psychology; Developmental psychology; Creativity Prof Zhen’s research spans several areas in psychology and cognitive neuroscience, focusing on decision-making and social reasoning in different populations. She uses model-based neuroimaging and paradigms from behavioral economics to better understand the neurocomputational bases of human decision-making in social contexts. Click here
Prof Lamson LIN Shen
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences Assistant Professor 3442 8768 • Healthy Ageing: Social gerontology; Geriatric psychiatry; Multimorbidity; Late-life mental disorders; Chronic and long-term care
• Diversity: Immigrant, refugee and racialized minority health; Anti-racism; Anti-oppression; Decolonizing social work practice
• Health Equity: Social determinants/dimensions of health & illness; Health service research; Social epidemiology
• COVID-19 Pandemic: Pandemic anxiety; Pandemic loneliness; Social isolation; Infodemic; Health behavioural changes
• Methodology: Large-scale population-based survey; Quantitative Intersectionality; Machine Learning/Artificial intelligence
More recently, Lamson's research has been using statistical and computational techniques to examine the mechanisms, risk and protective factors through which the COVID-19 pandemic influences individuals' psychosocial well-being (e.g., anxiety disorders, loneliness, stigma, and vaccine hesitancy). As a first-generation college graduate from his family, Lamson recognizes social/structural vulnerability (e.g., racialized identity, migration status, job precarity) in shaping resource distribution, power dynamics and consequential health inequalities across the human life course. Click here
Prof Matthew MANNING
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences Professor 3442 5218 How new technologies can be exploited by criminals to undertake money laundering, terrorism financing and fraud Prof Manning is a criminological economist and future crime scholar. He has worked within the fields of criminology and economics for two decades. His empirical research evaluates strategies that can be employed by criminal justice actors to respond to these new and complex crimes. He has developed a number of economic tools that are beginning to incorporate machine learning algorithms. The cost benefit tools are currently hosted and used by a number of government agencies such as the College of Policing UK. Click here
Prof Yanto CHANDRA
Department of Public and International Affairs Associate Professor 3442 7001 Entrepreneurship; Innovation; Strategy; Social Entrepreneurship; Impact Investing; Managing emerging technologies (i.e., Metaverse, Blockchain, DAO); Artificial Intelligence and Robots; Visual Methods In recent years, Prof Chandra has developed strong interests in and investigated the entrepreneurial process and management of emerging technology including artificial intelligence, robots, metaverse, blockchain, tokens, and decentralized organizations, and their implications to economy and society. He is developing the computational entrepreneurship with a focus on automating entrepreneurial and strategic processes using programmable robots and chatbots. Click here
Prof Jackie Yan-ki LAI
Department of Linguistics and Translation Assistant Professor 3442 8773 Syntax; Morphology; Syntax–Semantics Interface; Minimalism; Distributed Morphology; Chinese Linguistics Prof Lai’s research interests lie in syntax, morphology, and the syntax–semantics interface, with specific reference to Chinese languages (most notably Mandarin and Cantonese). Click here
Prof Mark Lawrence WONG
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences Assistant Professor 3442 8746 Sleep; Circadian rhythm; Youth mental health; Diversity and well-being; Body image and self-evaluation; Neurocognitive functions Prof Wong is a registered clinical psychologist in Hong Kong, Australia and the United Kingdom. His research and clinical interests are mainly concerned with the effects and mechanisms of sleep and circadian rhythm on daytime functions, including mental health well-being, social-cognitive-affective functions and behavioural outcomes. Click here
Prof Daniel YOUNG Kim-wan
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences Associate Professor 3442 8954 Developing online interventions, including online cognitive behavioral therapy and online mindfulness-based intervention for people with depression and anxiety Prof Young has developed expertise on teaching and research work on mental health counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based intervention and dementia care. He was an experienced social worker and has experience in supervising social workers and counsellors in their casework and counselling skills. He worked for community-based mental health services in Hong Kong for more than 10 years, providing care for people with severe mental health problems, ae well as providing staff training and supervision for social workers. Click here
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Prof Ye SUN
Department of Media and Communication Associate Professor 3442 7655 Media and Society Click here
Prof Vincent WANG Xiaohui
Department of Media and Communication Assistant Professor 3442 4725 Computational Social Science; Social Media; Consumer Health Informatics; Human-Computer Interaction Prof Wang holds a PhD in information studies from Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University. His research converges at the intersection of information, communication, and new technologies. Click here
Prof CHAN Siu-ming
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences Assistant Professor 3442 7994 Poverty and Inequality; Housing; Social work; Social welfare and social policy; Social determinants of health Prof CHAN Siu-ming worked as a frontline social worker in community settings for eight years before embarking on his academic journey. His vision is to enhance the well-being of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. He aims to explore new initiatives and extend intervention strategies by analyzing social problems and human behavior by means of evidence-based and theory-informed academic research. Click here
Prof Esterina NERVINO
Department of English Assistant Professor 3442 8732 Social Semiotics; Multimodal Discourse Analysis; Corpus Linguistics; ESP Prof Nervino is currently Assistant Professor at CityU holding a joint appointment at the Department of English and the Department of Marketing. Topics which she has been working on cover: luxury and digital transformation, luxury and its intersection with art and space, country of origin effect and language use, sustainability, reputation management, branding and retail experience. Click here
Prof Jerrine TAN Ee-Wen
Department of English Assistant Professor 3442 9758 Global anglophone literature; Transnational literature and film; Gender and sexuality studies; and Critical race theory Click here
Prof WANG Xijing
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences Assistant Professor 3442 8262 Objectification and dehumanization; Immoral behaviour, aggression, and self-interested behaviour; Inequality, social power, social dominance, and hierarchy Click here
Prof LING Chao
Department of Chinese and History Assistant Professor 3442 8714 Classical Chinese poetry and Art History Prof Ling primarily researches classical Chinese poetry and art history, with a focus on the medieval period. He is also interested in literary theory and philosophical investigations of the relationship between text and image. Click here
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Prof Alfred HO Tat-kei
Department of Public and International Affairs Professor / Head 3442 8902 Public budgeting; Performance management and governance; Local government; Comparative budget reform, citizen participation, e-government. Prof Alfred HO is a leading scholar in public administration, especially in the subfields of performance management and budgeting, e-government, and citizen engagement. Click here
Prof Ge LAN
Department of English Assistant Professor 3442 8554 Corpus linguistics; Grammar/syntax; English for academic purposes; Second language writing; Natural language processing Prof Ge LAN holds a PhD in second language studies from Purdue University. He is a member of Corpus and Repository of Writing (Crow), an inter-institutional research project in the United States. Click here
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Prof Edmund W CHENG
Department of Public and International Affairs Associate Professor 3442 9401 Contentious politics and political sociology; Hong Kong politics and global China; Public opinion survey and mixed methods Prof Edmund CHENG Wai’s research interests include contentious politics, political sociology, public opinion survey, Hong Kong politics and Global China. Click here
Prof HU Wanyang
Department of Public and International Affairs Assistant Professor 3442 7472 Urban and regional development; Housing policy; Migration; Quantitative method Prof HU Wanyang’s research focuses on urban and regional development, particularly the intersection between urban policy, labor mobility, and economic development. She also works on housing market analysis and housing policy. Click here
Prof Christine HUANG Yihui
Department of Media and Communication Chair Professor of Communication and Media 3442 8736 Cross-cultural communication and relationship; Chinese communication and relationship management; Public relations management, effectiveness, and value; Crisis management and crisis communication; Conflict resolution and negotiation Prof Christine HUANG Yihui’s research interests include public relationship management, crisis communication, conflict negotiation, and cross-cultural communications and relationship. Click here
Prof Claudia KIM Junghyun
Department of Public and International Affairs Assistant Professor 3442 7040 Military bases; Social movements; Alliance politics; Korea and Japan Prof Claudia KIM’s research focuses on military bases and social movements. For 2019-20, she was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University's Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Program on US-Japan Relations. Click here
Prof LIU Dongshu
Department of Public and International Affairs Assistant Professor 3442 9557 Political Institution and Political Economy of Authoritarian Regime; Public Opinion and Political Behavior in Autocracies; Chinese Politics and Public Policies Prof LIU Dongshu’s research interests include Chinese politics, political economy and institutions in authoritarian regimes, and survey experiment on public opinion and political behavior. Click here
Prof Nick OR Hin-kin
Department of Public and International Affairs Assistant Professor 3442 6949 Policy agendas and processes; Authoritarian regimes; Globalisation; Information processing; Hong Kong Politics Prof OR Hin-kin’s research interests lie in the field of public policy, comparative politics and authoritarian regimes by drawing insights from behavioural and complexity sciences, using quantitative techniques and experimental methods. He is also interested in studying how individuals and organisations process policy-related information and Hong Kong Politics. Click here
Prof Nicolai PETROVSKY
Department of Public and International Affairs Associate Professor 3442 6590 Public service performance; Turnover of senior managers and civil servants; Citizen interactions with public services; Research transparency Prof Nicolai PETROVSKY’s research focuses on public service performance and the role senior officials play in it, citizen-state interactions, and transparent and replicable research. Click here