College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Minor in Education Studies Offered to CityUHK Students by the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK)

Minor in Education Studies

The Minor in Education Studies (Education Minor) is intended for students who seek a broad understanding of schools, schooling and education as an institution in today’s society. It aims to broaden and complement the study of students and provide them with the opportunity to examine systematically current education practice which profoundly influences the lives of almost every member in the society.

Upon successful completion of the Education Minor, students will be considered as completing a minor at CityUHK. The Education Minor does not lead to the professional qualification of a teacher, but paves the way for students to pursue a teaching career or careers in relation to education in future.

Programme Requirement (15 credits)

CityUHK students are required to take 5 out of 6 designated courses (without pre-requisite) as listed below from their Year 2 study according to their own study plan. Students are required to complete the Education Minor within their normal study period (i.e. Year 2 to Year 4) at CityUHK. The Education Minor will follow EdUHK’s quality assurance mechanism.

Course code Course title Credit units
EDA4101 Teachers and Teaching in Context 3
PFS2013 Philosophical and Socio-cultural Issues in Education 3
PSY2050* Basic Psychology for Educators: Useful Concepts from Educational and Positive Psychology 3
SED4116 School Guidance and Managing Diversity 3
TLS3003 Curriculum and Assessment 3
TLS3092 Effective Teaching & Positive Classroom Learning Environment 3
*Previously known as PSY2012 - Basic Principles of Psychology for Educators
Remarks: For enriching their learning experience, CityUHK students will join the classes scheduled for students of the EdUHK. The EdUHK has the final decision on the offering / cancellation of the above courses.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1. Am I eligible to enroll in the Minor in Education Studies?
  The Education Minor is open to all CityUHK UGC-funded bachelor’s degree students. Year 2 students under normative 4-year degree, all Advanced Standing I and Advanced Standing II students in a UGC-funded major are eligible to apply.
Q2. Do I need special approval to enroll in the Minor in Education Studies?
  Students must obtain endorsement from their home departments before applying for the Minor programme. Please fill in the application form and get the endorsement from your home department. Return the application form to the General Office of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS) located at Rm LI-6361, 6/F, Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Academic Building. Acceptance of students for the Education Minor is at the discretion of EdUHK.
Q3. How do I register for the EdUHK courses?
  Upon successful application, students will be requested to complete a course registration form by EdUHK to indicate the courses they wish to take for the Education Minor in Semester B in every academic year. EdUHK will arrange block course registration for CityUHK students. Approval of course registration and course add/drop rests with EdUHK. Any question on registration for EdUHK courses, please contact Ms Stephanie CHAN of EdUHK at 2948-8031.
Q4. Is there any intake quota for the Minor in Education Studies?
  No minimum intake is required. The quota of the first cohort is 15 (the quota of the following cohorts will be subject to review).
Q5. Will the EdUHK course(s) I take count into my credit load at CityUHK?
  No. The number of credit units of the EdUHK course(s) will not be counted into students’ maximum study load in a semester at CityUHK. Students should manage their own study as deemed appropriate.
Q6. Can the credits earned by taking the EdUHK courses be counted to fulfil part of my CityUHK graduation requirements?
  The credits earned by students from courses taken from the Education Minor will be recognized as fulfilling part of CityUHK’s graduation requirements, in terms of the number of credits required, through transfer of credits.
Q7. Will the course grades earned from the EdUHK courses count towards the calculation of GPA at CityUHK?
  No, the grades earned from taking the EdUHK courses will not count towards the calculation of GPA at CityUHK. The course titles of the completed courses will be shown on the students’ transcripts but the course grades of these courses will not be recorded.
Q8. Do I need to apply for credit transfer?
  Upon successful completion of the EdUHK courses, the Academic Regulations and Records Office (ARRO) will arrange credit transfer for the students.
Q9. Will I get any certification after completing the Minor in Education Studies?
  A transcript and a certificate of completion of the Minor in Education Studies will be issued to CityUHK students by the Faculty of Education and Human Development, EdUHK.
Q10. Will CityUHK recognize the Minor in Education Studies in my transcript?
  Yes. A remark (e.g. “Minor in Education Studies (offered by EdUHK)”) will be shown in the CityUHK transcripts for students who have completed the Education Minor.
Q11. Will there be credit exemption for me to pursue further education studies after completing the Minor in Education Studies?
  Upon graduation from the Minor in Education Studies (i.e. taken 5 out of 6 courses) and admission to the EdUHK’s PGDE(P/S), CityUHK students as other non-BEd students of the EdUHK will be granted the block credit transfer to three ES courses (9 cps in total). The three ES courses to be granted credit transfer are detailed in Annex I. Graduates of PGDE(P/S) are eligible to apply for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). For education related studies in other institutions, please consult respective institutions as appropriate.
Q12. Am I entitled to obtain a teacher qualification by taking the Minor in Education Studies offered by EdUHK?
  The completion of the Education Minor alone will not lead to Qualified Teacher Status in Hong Kong. Students who are interested in this area are advised to consult appropriate authorities, e.g. Education Bureau, EdUHK or local tertiary institutions offering recognized teacher training programmes.
Q13. Do I need to pay extra fees for taking the Minor in Education Studies on top of my CityUHK tuition?
  No. Students taking the Education Minor will not be required to pay extra fees to the EdUHK on top of CityUHK tuition during their normal study period. However, CityUHK students/graduates who wish to extend their studies beyond the normal period in order to fulfil the requirements of the Minor are required to pay extra fees to the EdUHK.
Q14. Can I gain access to the EdUHK Library if I am enrolled in the Minor in Education Studies?
  CityUHK students successfully enrolled in the Education Minor will be enrolled as Visiting Student in EdUHK. For any enquiry, please approach the EdUHK Library.
Q15. Who should I approach if I have questions on course design, contents, grades and other quality assurance issues?
  All the courses offered under this Education Minor are designed, taught and graded by EdUHK. EdUHK will look after all quality assurance matters relating to these courses. Please contact Ms Stephanie CHAN of EdUHK at 2948-8031.
Q16. Will I be able to continue my study at CityUHK if I take these EdUHK courses?
  CityUHK students are expected to continue their study programme at CityUHK at the same time. Individual students should check if EdUHK courses’ time schedule would fit in their CityUHK schedule or not.
Q17. If I would like to withdraw from the Education Minor or drop a course I have already enrolled, what should I do?
  Please submit a written request to the CLASS Office via email: The CLASS Office will contact you and follow up. Endorsement from your home department for withdrawal of the education courses/ minor will be required.
Q18. What happen if I drop out from the Minor in Education Studies after having completed one or a few EdUHK courses?
  Students could still get the earned EdUHK credits from successful completion of courses. Upon credit transfer, these credits could be counted towards CityUHK free electives.
Q19. Am I eligible to apply for reduced study load if the number of credits taken in CityUHK is below 12 credits in Semester A/ Semester B?
  Students, who are enrolled in the Education Minor, cannot apply for reduced study load if the total number of credits taken in both CityUHK and EdUHK is equal to or greater than the minimum study load (i.e. 12 credit units in Semester A/ Semester B).

For any questions about the Minor in Education Studies relating to course registration and add/drop, course design and contents, grades, quality assurance issues, as well as teacher’s qualification, please contact EdUHK at 2948-8031 or email to

If students need any advising or assistance in applying for the Education Minor or throughout the course of study, please contact the CLASS Office at 3442-4832 or email to

Please check the CLASS website: from time to time for updated information about the Minor in Education Studies offered to CityUHK student by EdUHK.