College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
CLASS Faculty Elected Academy Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration

The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences is pleased to announce that Professor Alfred Tat-kei HO, Professor and Head of the Department of Public and International Affairs, has been elected as one of the 2023 class of distinguished Academy Fellows of the National Academy of Public Administration (the Academy).

Prof Ho is a leading scholar in public administration, especially in the subfields of performance management and budgeting, e-government, and citizen engagement. He has actively pursued multi-disciplinary research and has extensive research partnerships in Asia, Europe, and the US. He also advocates the importance of engaged research and believes that public administration research should strive to inform practice and be socially relevant and impactful. His publications are the results of academic-practitioner collaboration and community engagement, including collaboration with different local governments in the US and China and various national and international organisations, such as the China Development Research Foundation and the Asian Development Bank.  

“Prof Ho rightly deserves this great honour for his outstanding contributions to making governance more effective, sustainable and community-oriented,” said President Freddy BOEY Yin-chiang of CityU.

Currently working on projects and publications about the public value foundation and the value theory of public spending, Prof Ho is at the helm of an international research team investigating how public values influence policymaking and budgetary decision-making across countries. These scholarly endeavours extend beyond the public sector, encompassing cross-sectoral partnerships and international collaborations dedicated to advancing sustainable and equitable development, as well as fostering global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) reporting standards.

This year, a total of 60 leaders in the field of public administration have been selected for the 2023 Class of Academy Fellows. Prof Ho is the only one selected from overseas, joining several existing overseas fellows in Asia. Selection of the Academy’s new Fellows follows a rigorous review of the individual’s contributions to the field of public administration and policy. The 2023 class joins nearly 1,000 Academy Fellows–including former cabinet officers, members of Congress, governors, mayors and state legislators, prominent scholars, business executives, non-profit leaders, and public administrators.

Chartered by the US Congress to provide non-partisan expert advice, the Academy is an independent, non-profit, and non-partisan organisation established in 1967 to assist government leaders in building more effective, efficient, accountable, and transparent organisations. The new Fellows are expected to help advance the Academy vision–a just, fair, and inclusive government that strengthens communities and protects democracy.