Credit Transfer

Students who possess postgraduate or other qualifications of relevance to the EngD degree may apply for credit transfer. Normally, credit transfer will only be granted for previously completed units of study that can be demonstrated as contributing to the student's total programme of study in the EngD programme. The maximum number of credits that can be transferred is as follows:

  • For students with a master's degree from a different field: 6 credit units of coursework
  • For students with a master's degree from relevant fields: 12 credit units of coursework

EngD students who wish to apply for credit transfer should submit an application to SGS using SGS54 Form. Applications for credit transfer for qualifications attained prior to entry to the programme must be made within the first semester following the student's admission and one week before the add/drop deadline set by the University for the relevant course(s). Applicaitons for credit transfer for qualifications attained after admission to the programme must be made immediately in the semester following attainment of the additional qualifications. Please note that separate application forms are necessary for academic qualifications attained in different institutions. For instance, if a student wishes to transfer credits previously obtained in two institutions, he or she should complete two forms. A fee of $140 will be charged for each application form submitted.

Transfer credits will not be counted in the calculation of a student's GPA, except where special arrangements have been made.

Students should not take the courses for which transfer credits have been granted. As the University will normally pre-register students into selected courses, students should ensure that they are not registered into such courses at the start of a semester. For students who have started the courses for which they have applied for credit transfer, SGS will arrange to de-register them from the courses if the credit transfer request is approved.