
Showing 1 to 10 of 45 results
CityU develops a Caregiver Support Model to help tackle the challenges of taking care of frail older adults
A team led by the Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences of CityU has developed a scientific and comprehensive Caregiver Support Model and has increased family caregivers’ resilience through a Psycho-education Program on Empowerment to help them tackle the challenges they encounter on their caregiving journey.
CityU clinches National Teaching Achievement Award
Led by Professor Sylvia Kwok Lai Yuk-ching in the Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences at CityU, JUMP was honoured with a Second Class Award in the 2022 Higher Education (Undergraduate) National Teaching Achievement Award by the Ministry of Education. 
Loneliness among senior citizens spiked during 5th COVID outbreak
A home-based intervention programme for managing chronic diseases that has been designed by a team from CityU can reduce older people’s sense of loneliness which has worsened significantly during the fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a CityU telesurvey.
A mobile app that can effectively protect users from falling victim to phone scams has been developed by a cross-disciplinary research team at CityU.
Young people will be more friendly to senior citizens if they know more about ageing, according to a cross-generation survey conducted by CityU.
Learning traditional Chinese martial arts has a direct bearing on reducing aggressive behaviour, delinquent behaviour and attention problems among schoolchildren, according to a recent study conducted by CityU.
A seminar on positive education co-organised by CityU and the Guidance and Discipline Section of Education Bureau on 24 June attracted 200 secondary school principals and teachers.
A survey commissioned by CityU and St. James' Settlement raises concern about the well-being of children from stepfamilies.
New research conducted by CityU and St. James’ Settlement sheds light on the views that secondary school students have towards planning for their future lives.
New research conducted by CityU reveals that positive education is effective in mitigating secondary school students’ depression and anxiety conditions.

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