
Showing 181 to 190 of 195 results
Four final-year students of the School of Creative Media (SCM) produced a three-minute trailer for “Le French May” this year. With appreciation from the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong, Mr Julian Lee, SCM Assistant Professor and the project supervisor, takes pride in the expert output. He confidently assures people in the creative media industry that CityU students are capable of producing innovative and professional work.
Ms Christine To, final year student of the School of Creative Media (SCM), is to demonstrate her scriptwriting talents with the debut of her first commercial screening Jianghu in Hong Kong cinemas next month.
The co-operation between CityU's School of Creative Media (SCM) and China's premier film school moved a step closer to reality, after a delegation of 20 leading Chinese educators in film-making and performing arts from the Beijing Film Academy (BFA) visited CityU 28 February.
A delegation of 23 Sham Shui Po District Council members and representatives from the District Office of the Home Affairs Department, HKSAR, visited CityU on 26 February.
"I dreamed of studying abroad since I was a child," said Nicole Choi, final year student in the School of Creative Media. "Not only did I realize my dream, but I have reaffirmed my career goal of being a movie director." Nicole has just returned to campus after completing a four-month exchange programme in Carnegie Mellon University's School of Drama (CMU).
Two days of contention and solid deliberation by an international panel of judges ended on a high note as four victors emerged from the fray. Altogether, 37 parties from among internationally renowned designers and postgraduate design institutions had been invited to participate in the Shaw Prize International Design Competition, and entries rushed in from around the globe, including Britain, Germany, Japan, and the United States.
A hundred students and staff packed the Screening Room of the School of Creative Media (SCM) in the evening of 22 October. They were watching Night Corridor, an independent movie directed by SCM Assistant Professor Mr Julian Lee.
Assistant Professor Mr Julian Lee, of the School of Creative Media(SCM), has produced Night Corridor, an independent film with a shoestring budget of about HK$3 million. Committing themselves as pre-professional film workers, six creative media students got a first taste of how a film project runs in the real world. Mr Lee deemed this a precious chance for them to learn through the production process.
Steven J Ross/AOL Time Warner Professor and Dean Elizabeth Daley, and Associate Dean, Academic Affairs, Dr Richard Jewell of the University of Southern California's School of Cinema-Television (USC) were hosted by CityU, 12 to 17 September.
CityU fosters creative ties by bringing together young people with different cultural and social backgrounds — students from the School of Creative Media (SCM) and from the Beijing Film Academy (BFA).

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