
Showing 41 to 50 of 87 results
The Mainland and External Affairs Office conducted International Week 2010 from 1 February to 5 February. Highlights of the event on 4 February included the flag procession, global runway parade and international New Year fair.
CityU signed an agreement with University of New South Wales, Australia, on 22 October to bolster academic exchange and further develop the relationship between the two institutions.
More than 80 officers and soldiers from the People’s Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison visited CityU on 16 October and sampled a taste of university life.
CityU hosted a visit by the Consul-General of Canada on 14 October, introducing them to the University’s internationalised professional education and research environment.
A delegation of leaders of key secondary schools in mainland China visited CityU on 28 November to find out more about next year's admission exercise as well as teaching and research facilities
CityU has embarked on a series of mainland student recruitment activities in various provinces and cities to introduce the University to teachers, students, parents and the media, aiming to recruit a greater number of high-quality students
CityU co-organizes “Mainland Students Learning Camp on Financial Management 2007”, providing mainland students with an opportunity to learn about Hong Kong's financial and economic development and to exchange with Hong Kong students.
CityU has embarked on a series of mainland recruitment activities to showcase its strengths and achievements in a bid to recruit more outstanding mainland students.
Over 1,200 members of staff were honoured at a ceremony on 1 November for their dedicated long-service to the University.
CityU is bolstering measures to prevent the spread of avian flu on campus and reminds staff and students to remain vigilant against a possible outbreak.

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