
Showing 11 to 20 of 30 results
New approach for making high-strength and ductile alloys
A research team led CityU has discovered a new strategy for fabricating multicomponent superlattice alloys with disordered interfacial nanolayers that have both high strength and good ductility at various temperatures.

Scholarship donation from Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation encourages students to stay positive amid difficulties
New scholarship with a donation from Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation honours brave alumna Kiki Hung.
UK social sciences academy awards Fellowship to CityU scholar
The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences at CityU, Professor Richard M. Walker, has been elected Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences.
ITF funding secured for anti-Covid-19 research
Research at CityU aimed at tackling Covid-19 has attracted over $7.1 million in funding from the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) under the Innovation and Technology Commission.
Seawalls’ marine biodiversity enhanced by eco-engineered tiles: CityU study
A research team of marine ecologists led by CityU has generated promising results for enhancing marine biodiversity on seawalls in the western waters of Hong Kong via eco-engineered tiles.
Molecular biologist Professor Chen Xuemei spoke on small RNAs in the latest installment of the CityU Distinguished Lecture series on 19 December.
The Amenities Building has been named the “Bank of China (Hong Kong) Complex” in appreciation of the generous support of the BOCHK Charitable Foundation.
CityU and NCTU in Hsinchu organised the first inter-U sports competition on 27 December to promote exchanges between the two universities.
Renowned experts on nuclear energy from around the world shared their knowledge of and insights into the latest developments in the field of nuclear energy at a symposium held at CityU on 22 December.
A record number of CityU alumni from mainland China joined a reunion dinner in Shanghai on 2 December.

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