
Showing 1 to 10 of 11 results
Microplastic pollution
The inappropriate disposal of surgical masks could cause serious microplastic pollution, equivalent to seriously polluting more than 54,800 Olympic swimming pools of seawater annually, researchers from CityU have discovered.
Survey on vaccination
According to a survey conducted by the Department of Media and Communication at CityU, people aged above 50 are more receptive to getting a third jab and using the LeaveHomeSafe app.
Professor Kuo Tei-Wei
Professor Kuo Tei-Wei, Lee Shau Kee Chair Professor of Information Engineering and Dean of the College of Engineering, has been elected as a Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in the Natural Sciences class.
Professor Yan Hong
Professor Yan Hong at CityU has been elected Fellow of the US National Academy of Inventors in recognition of his highly innovative work in advancing technological and economic developments.
Three world-class research centres have been established by CityU in collaboration with renowned scholars from all around the world and research institutes under InnoHK.
CityU’s School of Law held an international conference on “Exclusions from Constitutional Law”, together with the Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna and the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau on 28 and 29 October, and launched a new law journal.
Physics Nobel laureate Professor Albert Fert delivered a lecture in the France-Hong Kong Distinguished Lecture Series on Spintronics, a new field of research with computing hard disk applications.
The College of Business held the inauguration ceremony and the first meeting of its College International Advisory Board on 22 October to discuss the College’s internationalisation strategy.
CityU is hosting an academician conference, “Where is Science Going in the 21st Century?”, featuring three Nobel laureates and 11 world-renowned academicians who talked about the future directions of scientific advancement.
Consumer sentiment towards economic development in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan has been improving since the financial tsunami swept the world markets, with Hong Kong and Macau taking the biggest leap, according to a survey conducted by CityU.

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