
Showing 1 to 10 of 11 results
Professor Yan Hong, Chair Professor of the Department of Electronic Engineering, gave a talk on the opportunities and challenges presented by big data and AI.
A delegation from the Tohoku University signed an institutional level student exchange agreement at CityU.
A research team led by CityU has found a shortcut for developing new drugs which can potentially reduce time and costs by sorting out high potential candidates out of a long list of chemical compounds, with an accuracy of around 50%.
A research project conducted by EE has developed technology that can optimise mobile network design and reduce the energy consumption of the base stations by a minimum of 4.5%.
Research into neutron scattering in Hong Kong will benefit with the opening on 27 February of a joint laboratory co-established by CityU and the Institute of High Energy Physics under the CAS.
The Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics organised an International Conference on the Teaching and Learning of World Civilisations, providing an opportunity for top scholars to exchange views on the study of the topic.
An academician conference featuring some of the best brains in the world was held at CityU today to unravel the secrets of how the brain learns and remembers.
Professor Kuo addressed the Beijing-Hong Kong University Presidents' Forum on 13 June, outlining strategies for better academic cooperation in science and technology so as to initiate a regional mechanism for further globalisation in higher education.
After three consecutive annual rises, workplace confidence in Hong Kong has fallen below 2005 levels according to a survey conducted by the Department of Management.
MERIT, led by CityU, has been awarded HK$23.6 million funding from the UGC’s Areas of Excellence Scheme, in recognition of its outstanding contributions to the research and management of the marine environment in Hong Kong and worldwide.

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