
Showing 11 to 20 of 25 results
Participants in the Hong Kong Underwater Robot Challenge 2008 took the final preparatory workshop at WWF's Marine Life Centre in Hoi Ha Wan on 16 February.
CityU hosted a roundtable forum to promote discussion on the issue of poverty in Hong Kong on 23 February. Speakers included local and overseas academics, Government officials and representatives from social services and policy research organisations.
The Smart Ambience Therapy developed by CityU’s AIMtech Centre has become an exhibit at the Hong Kong Science Museum. The exhibit’s opening ceremony was held on 22 February.
CityU organised a Chinese New Year Fair on 21 February in the Student Residence to enhance students’ knowledge of Chinese traditional festivals and culture.
CityU's School of Law collaborates with the Supreme Court of the PRC and National Judges College to provide advanced legal training for serving judges in mainland China.
By harnessing the internet, the School of Law is bringing the wisdom of world-class law professors to its students on campus. On 19 February, it held a pilot virtual seminar in conjuction with Yale Law School, a first for both universities.
The Faculty of Business and UC Berkeley signed an agreement on 20 February on providing advanced management executive programmes.
The Chinese Civilisation Centre of CityU has invited the famous GuoGuang Opera Company from Taiwan to introduce Peking opera to Hong Kong’s new generation from 19 February to 22 February.
CityU has launched the Putonghua Salon to provide students with a relaxing environment to learn and practise Putonghua.
The Wireless Communications Research Centre of CityU has been accredited under the HOKLAS to become the first non-governmental laboratory accredited in Asia Pacific to provide antenna calibration services, demonstrating its leading position in this field.

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