
Showing 11 to 20 of 29 results
"Translation, Language Contact and Multilingual Communication”, a conference organised by The Halliday Centre for Intelligent Applications of Language Studies of CityU, explores how translation contributes to language contact and cross-cultural communication.
The CityU Chinese Debating Team was crowned champion in the 10th Basic Law Multi-Dimensional Inter-University Debate Competition held on 9 August. In addition, three team members collected the Best Debater Awards.
CityU has successfully completed its mainland student recruitment exercise in 25 provinces and cities (including those areas affected by the Sichuan earthquake). About 190 new students are expected to start their studies at CityU by the end of August.
Professor Way Kuo, University President, met with representatives of the Convocation and CityU Postgraduate Association recently to increase communication and mutual understanding.
CityU's Cultural and Sports Committee organised the "City Cultural Salon" on 30 October. Around 40 guests, staff and students came to enjoy and discuss the art of Kunqu.
"Conceptual Feeling Beyond Images - The Works of Hon Chi-fun", an exhibition of more than 30 paintings created by Mr Hon during the past half century, is showing at the CityU Gallery until 9 December.
The Students’ Union of CityU organised the CityU Banquet on 26 October. The theme this year is “Love - CityU”, which showcases students’ sense of belonging to the University.
I am one of the participants of the Synergistic Innovation Scheme. I have learnt a great deal about science and conducting applied research through this scheme.
Thirty-nine CityU students have been presented with the Outstanding Student Award by the English Language Centre for their achievements and positive attitude towards learning English.
The Department of Information Systems organised a Thank-the-Sponsors Sharing Ceremony for the Integrated Student Development Programme on 24 October during which students talked about their exchange and internship experiences.

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