
Showing 1 to 10 of 16 results
Outside, the wind was chilly, but inside the Chan Tai Ho Multi-purpose Hall, where the New Year Staff Party took place on 28 January, the atmosphere was warm. A jovial spirit captivated some 1,000 colleagues who gathered there for what has become an annual ritual of good fortune, fun and camaraderie.
"I dreamed of studying abroad since I was a child," said Nicole Choi, final year student in the School of Creative Media. "Not only did I realize my dream, but I have reaffirmed my career goal of being a movie director." Nicole has just returned to campus after completing a four-month exchange programme in Carnegie Mellon University's School of Drama (CMU).
About 50 pieces of Buddhist sculpture from the Northern, Sui, Tang, Liao and Song dynasties, and copies of Tang epitaphs are now on display in the exhibition "Compassion and Fascination: Ancient Chinese Buddhist Sculptures" at the CityU Gallery. The exhibition, organized by the Chinese Civilisation Centre, showcases selected works from among businessman Mr W Y Chang's vast private collection.
City University of Hong Kong was given a new role statement, by the University Grants Committee, on 10 January, when Professor H K Chang, President, met with the Working Group on Role Differentiation, chaired by Sir Colin Lucas. The statement reads, in full:
Dear Colleagues, For CityU, 2004 augurs a good start on a journey to greater achievements and prominence, both locally and internationally.
The CityU homepage, the University's digital face gains a more comprehensive Chinese aspect, as of now, (12 January 2004).
In a month or two, the second phase of the Student Residence Project on Cornwall Street, will be completed, adding four more halls to the existing three in Phase One. Three of these are for undergraduates (Halls 4, 5 and 6); one for postgraduates (Hall 8). Students can expect to start moving in February or March.
CityU's Chinese Civilisation Centre just launched the Chinese Culture Quarterly as part of its fifth anniversary celebration. On Sunday, using the journal as a starting point, CityU President, Professor H K Chang, posed a question to Premier Wen Jiabao about the importance of exchanges between Hong Kong and mainland China. This was reported in a number of local newspapers such as Apple Daily, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, Ming Pao, Sing Tao Daily News, Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po.
At the Government House on 27 June, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) presented prestigious Fellow Grade certificates to three City University of Hong Kong professors:
Chinese Culture Quarterly, launched 27 June by City University's Chinese Civilisation Centre (CCIV), is an academic journal designed to promote research and ongoing discussion of various aspects of Chinese culture among scholars worldwide.

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