
Showing 31 to 40 of 59 results
The word "diaspora" in its normative usage indicates the dispersion of Jews and the settling of Jewish communities after the Babylonian captivity. More generally, it refers to Jews living outside of Palestine or modern Israel. In recent decades, however, discussions of cultures and communities other than the Jewish have often applied the word "diaspora" in a much expanded sense to include other minority groups living outside their native land.
From the Bible and all the way to Resurrection, Crime and Punishment, and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, the theme of "confession consciousness" runs deep in Western literature.
A handful of high value e-business applications -- e-gaming, e-logistics, e-banking, and e-tourism-will take Hong Kong's economy into a new era.
Is Asia the next frontier territory in e-commerce development? How are the small and medium enterprises in the region faring in this IT rush? And what about the adoption of enterprise resource planning, electronic charge cards and ...?
Hong Kong, with its open economy, free flow of currency, its status as a major hub of information and transportation and as a tourist centre for the region, has strong comparative advantages for the development of e-business, even in the current economic downturn.
The University is classified as a Public Body under the Prevention Bribery Ordinance (PBO) since its services impact significantly on the interests of the public. The following are some common queries raised by public body employees regarding the applicability of the PB" on them:
SCM second year student Miss C K Tang held a photography exhibition at CityU, from 22 to 25 November, showcasing two of her series "N. Thai Children" and "Footprints Here and There".
SCM second year student Miss C K Tang held a photography exhibition at CityU, from 22 to 25 November, showcasing two of her series "N. Thai Children" and "Footprints Here and There".
Two former Linkage student reporters received their bachelor degree awards this year. Ms Casey Chow and Ms Coan Wong, graduates of the BA in English for Professional Communication, succeeded in landing jobs in the field of journalism right after finishing their programme of study. They said that the experience of working for our University Publications Office (PUO) helped a lot in the job hunting process.
A "marriage of art and technology" is how Professor Horace Ip describes Body-Brush, a new tool that transforms body movements into real-time three-dimensional (3D) paintings. Professor Ip, Chair Professor of Computer Science and Head of CityU's Department of Computer Science, developed the innovative computer-based motion analysis system in collaboration with CityU's School of Creative Media (SCM) and Hong Kong artist Mr Hay Young.

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