
Showing 21 to 30 of 49 results
In an agreement aimed at promoting academic exchange and research activities, CityU's Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FHS), signed a memorandum of co-operation with the School of International Studies (SIS), Peking University, on 2 May. The agreement comprises terms on exchange of academics and research personnel, sharing of joint research results, and the financial responsibility involved. The memorandum will be valid for three years.
The University Council at its meeting on 26 November 2001 approved the policies and procedures to be adopted for releasing staff on the grounds of redundancy (see Linkage No. 207). However, the Council also agreed to re-consider the formula for ex-gratia payment and authorized the Staffing and Conditions of Service Committee (SCOS) to review alternatives for Council's consideration in June 2002.
In the second exercise of the Reward Schemes, CityU's President Professor H K Chang announced the results for academic departments and non-academic units on 24 April. The Reward Scheme for academic departments aims to maximise students" learning, while that for non-academic units links incentives with accountability and effectiveness.
CityU staff based in Festival Walk will soon have a new communication tool on their desks: an IP phone handset. In a pilot scheme scheduled to be implemented in August or September, 300 staff members will try out the new technology before the digital system is installed on the main campus.
Under the EduDynamics theme, CityU's WebCourse Fair 2001-02 showcased the creativity, energy, and diversity of the University's Web educators as they enhance the learning experience through the Internet.
Around 350 music lovers -- including children and grownups -- packed the Wei Hing Theatre on 26 March for a piano concert in commemoration of composer Ludwig van Beethoven, who died that same day 175 years ago.
A delegation of consuls-general representing seven countries were greeted by President H K Chang and other senior staff members including Vice-President for Institutional Advancement, Professor Y S Wong, and Vice-President for Planning and Information Services, Mr John Dockerill at the Multimedia Conference Room on 22 March.
CityU's top students were awarded scholarships, prizes and donations for their outstanding performance in academics, sports, arts and community services, at a presentation ceremony held at Wei Hing Theatre on March 20.
CityU's top students were awarded scholarships, prizes and donations for their outstanding performance in academics, sports, arts and community services, at a presentation ceremony held at Wei Hing Theatre on March 20.
City University of Hong Kong announced the results of the appeals lodged by seven teaching staff in the School of Law. The Appeal Committee's conclusions are summarized as follows:

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