
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 results
Marine technology scientist Dr Alexander Scherbatyuk delivered the latest CityU Distinguished Lecture titled “The Mobile Navigation and Group Operation of Autonomous Marine Vehicles” on 15 September.
Scientists have been working to improve combustion technologies, according to Professor Sébastien Candel, President of the French Academy of Sciences, at the France–Hong Kong Distinguished Lecture on 13 September.
A talk on the importance of “soulware” by Professor Way Kuo, CityU President, on 10 September attracted more than 300 teachers and students.
Domain-specific languages for convex optimisation are widely used in research projects and industry applications, said Professor Stephen P. Boyd at a distinguished lecture for IAS on 12 September.
Prof Roderick Wong, Director of the Liu Bie Ju Centre for Mathematical Sciences, and Professor Yang Lo, Director of the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, have signed a cooperation agreement.
More than 60 colleagues and admirers packed CityU's Neptune Room to witness the official ceremony dedicating Minor Planet 10287 to Distinguished University Professor Stephen Smale.

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