College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
創意文化 薪火相傳: 中文及歷史學系舉辦第二屆「香港高中校本評核優秀學習成果獎──中國語文科及視覺藝術科」頒獎典禮
Passing on a creative culture





The second School-Based Assessment Exemplary Learning Outcome Award (Chinese Language and Visual Arts) Presentation Ceremony was held on 26 May 2018 by the Department of Chinese and History (CAH) of City University of Hong Kong, with sponsorship from the Tin Ka Ping Foundation.

The ceremony was attended by distinguished guests from the education, philanthropy and arts sectors, including Mr David DAY, Chief Executive of the Tin Ka Ping Foundation, Dr CHAN Hok-yin and Dr LAM Hok-chung from CAH, Mr WANG Chung-yee, a retired school principal, Professor WONG Juen-kon, former Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Adjunct Professor at Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education and Miss LAM Yuk-lin, an installation artist.

The entrants to the competition submitted a wide range of works, covering classical Chinese philosophy, modern Chinese literature, comics, movies, ceramics, sculpture and more. Dr Chan described the competition as a meaningful platform for fostering creativity, reflecting CityU’s emphasis on being “self-determined, self-aware, and self-reliant in learning and cooperation”. He explained that the activity helped students to develop skill-sets in “data collection and integrated management, which are essential for tertiary education”.

Mr Wong noted that the standard of work submitted had improved substantially since the competition’s inaugural year. The entries addressed a broader variety of topics and demonstrated better-structured writing and more in-depth thinking. Miss Lam agreed that the activity provided an exceptional opportunity for students to combine their learning experience with their creativity, conveying their passion for Chinese culture and art in diverse forms.

Following the ceremony, Dr Lam hosted a seminar. During this event, the student award winners had the chance to interact with secondary-school teachers to foster their mutual creativity and find opportunities for cooperation in learning. The student participants and the teachers all agreed that the activity had been valuable and expressed the hope that more secondary schools would participate in the competition in the future.