
Showing 51 to 60 of 91 results
The energy you spend in daily activities, such as exercising, walking or even sitting and typing in front of the computer, will no longer be wasted, but converted to electrical energy for powering-up your smart electronics through a wearable energy-harvesting device developed by CityU.
Li Jing, a PhD student from CityU, received the 2016 Materials Research Society Graduate Student Gold Award for her pioneering work on the development of next-generation thermal materials.
The findings of a research titled “Approaching the Ideal Elastic Strain Limit in Silicon Nanowires,” led by MBE will bring revolutionary changes to medical equipment.
Artificial leaves developed by CityU and partners can help to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
A new material developed by CityU and NJUST researchers holds great promise for the aerospace industry.
Aerial micro-robots can stay aloft longer thanks to an energy-saving device created by a team of Harvard roboticists and an engineer at CityU.
A novel biorefinery process developed by CityU scientists that turns food waste into textile fibre has won a top international invention award.
Three faculty members were honoured with Teaching Excellence Awards for 2016 at CityU in recognition of their innovative and influential teaching.
Two bio-inspired engineering researchers of CityU have respectively won the 2015 Hong Kong Young Scientist Award, and the Outstanding Youth Award conferred by the International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE).
Renowned experts on nanomaterials from around the world shared their insights at the Symposium on Nanomaterials in Honour of Professor Herbert Gleiter at CityU.

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