
Showing 1 to 10 of 29 results
Privacy-Friendly Gold Certificate for 2nd consecutive time
CityU has been awarded the Privacy-Friendly Gold Certificate for the 2nd consecutive time in the Privacy-Friendly Awards 2023 by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data.
CityU Council Chairman leads senior management to visit Dongguan
CityU Council Chairman Mr Lester Garson Huang led delegation to visit Dongguan between 2 and 3 March and met Mr Xiao Yafei, Secretary of the CPC Dongguan Municipal Committee, to exchange views on expediting the development of CityU (Dongguan) and how CityU can further cooperate with Dongguan on education and technology development.
HK Tech 300 MoU signing
CityU and four innovation and technology investment companies signed MoUs on 6 October for the establishment of co-investment partnerships that will provide a total of HK$20 million in angel fund investment each year to selected start-ups supported by HK Tech 300.
Privacy-Friendly Awards 2021
CityU has been awarded the Privacy-Friendly Gold Certificate in the inaugural Privacy-Friendly Awards 2021 organised by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data in recognition of its exceptional efforts in protecting privacy relating to personal data at CityU.
Brazil bougainvillea has been selected as the new floral emblem of CityU.
CityU has developed the first electronic platform in Hong Kong for classical-colloquial Chinese alignment, processing and retrieval. The platform is expected to enhance the teaching of classical Chinese through the use of information technology.
The 2009 LIVAC Pan-Chinese New Word Rosters showed that new words in the major Chinese communities reflect the most significant global and local events of collective concern this year.
Mirroring the trend of previous years, the top three places on this year’s Annual Pan-Chinese Celebrity Rosters were taken by political figures. They are US President Barack Obama, China’s President Hu Jintao and Chen Shui-bian from Taipei in that order.
Dr Andy Chin Chi-on, Assistant Scientific Officer of the Language Information Sciences Research Centre, CityU, won the Young Scholar Award at the 17th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics.
Major issues in China and around the world have again topped the 2008 LIVAC Pan-Chinese New Word Rosters released today by the Language Information Sciences Research Centre of CityU.

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