
Showing 71 to 80 of 167 results
The Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics by CityU has been included in the Social Sciences Citation Index, signifying an international recognition of its excellent research and enhancing its reputation worldwide.
A new DBA programme offered jointly by CityU and Fudan University offers senior executives global vision and in-depth understanding of mainland China.
EMBA students from the College of Business had a high-profile meeting with the Vice President of Taiwan on 9 June to find out more about economic ties within the Greater China region.
The President of the Legislative Council, the Hon Jasper Tsang Yok-sing, gave a speech on “The Art of Leadership” at the 10th Anniversary Dinner of the EMBA Association on 5 June.
Six Year 3 Business students won the Overall Championship of PROJECT CG! by going through all the tasks for almost half a year since October 2009.
The Exchange Student Club of the College of Business hosted the City Expo 2010 to provide an occasion for students to expose themselves to different cultures, on 26 March.
The School of Law established on 18 March the Hong Kong Centre for Maritime and Transportation Law to nurture maritime and transportation legal professionals in support of Hong Kong’s continued development as a maritime service centre.
CityU has joined hands for the first time with two influential financial institutions, in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, to offer a training programme that will nurture senior executives from the mainland’s financial and treasury management sectors.
The second Induction Ceremony of the CityU Chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma was held on 26 February, with business leader Mr Peter Wong Tung-shun, JP, inducted as the Chapter Honouree and 126 students and graduates as lifetime members.
Dr Stephen Liao Shaoyi, Associate Professor from the Department of Information Systems, has received sponsorship of more than HK$10 million from the Innovation and Technology Fund and the industry to conduct three research projects on traffic systems.

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