
Showing 51 to 60 of 87 results
An Italian concert by singers from the prestigious Accademia del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino – Opera di Firenze was staged on 27 May at CityU.
Academic 1 has been named “Yeung Kin Man Academic Building” in appreciation of the generous support from Dr Yeung Kin-man, JP, for CityU.
Dr David Suzuki discussed sustainability at the inaugural lecture of the CityU Sustainability Lecture Series on 3 March.
The CityU Industrial and Business Leaders Circle has been established to strengthen communication with industry and business leaders
CityU is helping to promote computational thinking and coding among primary school students.
The Covered Terrace at the Amenities Building has been named “Wong’s International Terrace” in acknowledgement of the support of Wong’s International Holdings Limited.
The multi-purpose lobby of the Run Run Shaw Library has been named “Wofoo Foundation Gallery” in appreciation of Dr Joseph Lee Chung-tak’s support and generous donation to the University.
A joyful annual dinner for the CityU Foundation on 22 November thanked all members and friends for their staunch support over the past year.
An executive classroom at College of Business was named after EMBA Association to recognise the support of the Association.
Two lecture theatres at CityU have been named "Herbalgy Lecture Theatre" and "Wong To Yick Tong Lecture Theatre" in appreciation of the support to the University made by the donor.

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