
Showing 21 to 30 of 34 results
The Department of Chinese, Translation & Linguistics at CityU collaborates with linguists from the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong and four other local universities to develop the “LSHK Cantonese Romanization Scheme” (“Jyutping”).
Radio Television Hong Kong, in collaboration with CityU, will launch a new Korean language radio programme entitled “Let's go Korea!” on 21 August. The programme aims to promote a better understanding of Korean language and culture among the Hong Kong public.
The "International Conference on Translation, Literature, and Cross-Cultural Understanding" co-sponsored by CityU's Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics and Centre for Cross-Cultural Studies was held on 22 and 23 April.
Putonghua learners now will be able to master the tones and intonation more accurately thanks to new online Putonghua learning software developed by Ms Sze Mei, Lecturer in CityU's Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, and Dr Peng Gang, Research Fellow of the Department of the Electronic Engineering.
The Language Engineering Laboratory led by Professor (Chair) William S Y Wang in CityU's Department of Electronic Engineering, and the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, is collaborating with the Santa Fe Institute (SFI) on studies of the emergence of language.
"Each city needs its own cultural positioning," Visiting Professor Dr Lung Yingtai, an influential Chinese writer of international stature and former Director of Taipei's Cultural Affairs Bureau, said. "Culture is not just about dancing and singing. It is an industry that forms an important part of a country's overall strength," she told more than 20 reporters in a press conference held at CityU, 27 August.
CityU raised its standing among local tertiary institutions in this year ' s Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG) applications, increasing its funding to HK$56.8 million, a 4.4% increase over last year ' s results of HK$54.4 million.
CityU raised its standing among local tertiary institutions in this year's Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG) Applications, increasing its funding to HK$56.8 million, a 4.4 per cent increase over last year's results of HK$54.4 million.
More than 100 participants from all over the world filled the Wei Hing Theatre on 10 July for the opening ceremony of the Eighth International Conference on Language and Social Psychology (ICLASP).
More than 40 new inventions and innovative ideas from CityU are on display at the Innovation Expo 2001 from 22-26 November at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

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