
Showing 1 to 10 of 45 results
CityU excels on global top scientists list
According to metrics compiled by Stanford University, over 170 CityU faculty members are listed among the top 2% of the world's most highly cited scientists, reflecting the high academic standard of our faculty and our excellent research performance.
CityU wins 12 awards at Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days, the highest number among all universities in Hong Kong
Researchers from CityU won the highest number of awards among all universities in Hong Kong at IGED 2021, including a Gold Medal with Congratulations of the Jury, five Gold Medals, three Silver Medals and three Bronze Medals, demonstrating the excellence of the research carried out at CityU.
Experts from the public, private and academic sectors discussed the role of public-private partnerships in China’s Belt-Road initiative at an UN forum.
“National security bill” was the hottest new word, according to the 2015 LIVAC Pan-Chinese New Word Rosters.
The College of Business organised a forum on China economy on 26 January in Shenzhen to discuss the latest trends of internet finance and other economic policies in China.
Major political figures dominated the 2015 LIVAC Pan-Chinese Media Personality Roster.
CityU and IBM signed a Document of Understanding on 15 December to establish the Center for Business Analytics.
Political concerns have again become the most popular new words used by the media in the Pan-Chinese region, according to the 2014 LIVAC Pan-Chinese New Word Rosters.
The 2014 LIVAC Pan-Chinese Media Personality Roster reflects political issues dominating media coverage in Beijing, Taipei and Hong Kong.
A CityU-led project researching the challenges facing the local healthcare system has received a significant RGC grant.

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