
Showing 41 to 49 of 49 results
Genetel Pharmaceuticals Ltd, a subsidiary company of CityU, has been awarded the "Technological Achievement Grand Award" for its cervical cancer diagnostic technology in the 2006 Hong Kong Awards for Industries.
CityU has been sponsored by the Shenzhen Municipal Government to establish a key laboratory, as well as to conduct a project on developing novel anticancer drugs.
A banquet and a belly dance enliven the occasion as exchange students bid goodbye to their new friends at CityU.
CityU brought home a clutch of awards for its innovative applied research projects after a dynamic debut at the Chinese National Exhibition of Inventions.
CityU's FSE has again reached out to secondary school students this summer to boost their interest in science and engineering.
More than 150 guests, staff members and students gathered at the Centre for Marine Environmental Research and Innovative Technology (MERIT), 28 January, to celebrate its opening. Led by CityU and joined by five other local universities, MERIT has been selected by the University Grants Committee as an "Area of Excellence" in Hong Kong.
The FSE Summer Day Camp offers secondary school students a chance to experience what learning at university level is like.
More than 300 audience and performers danced to the rhythm of the Latin American beat at the University Circle, as the World City Cultural Night extravaganza drew to its finale. Held on 9 March in the Wei Hing Theatre, the extravaganza brought into the limelight an array of multi-cultural performances such as Scottish bagpipes, Australian songs, Indian dance, American jazz, Chinese music, English folkdance, Latin salsa and African drums, all under the theme of "Love and Harmony".
Officials from one of Australian's top universities spent five days at CityU in January to explore collaboration opportunities in the areas of undergraduate education, curriculum development, research, and student exchange.

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