
Showing 1 to 10 of 13 results
Microplastic pollution
The inappropriate disposal of surgical masks could cause serious microplastic pollution, equivalent to seriously polluting more than 54,800 Olympic swimming pools of seawater annually, researchers from CityU have discovered.
Survey on vaccination
According to a survey conducted by the Department of Media and Communication at CityU, people aged above 50 are more receptive to getting a third jab and using the LeaveHomeSafe app.
Professor Kuo Tei-Wei
Professor Kuo Tei-Wei, Lee Shau Kee Chair Professor of Information Engineering and Dean of the College of Engineering, has been elected as a Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in the Natural Sciences class.
Professor Yan Hong
Professor Yan Hong at CityU has been elected Fellow of the US National Academy of Inventors in recognition of his highly innovative work in advancing technological and economic developments.
Three world-class research centres have been established by CityU in collaboration with renowned scholars from all around the world and research institutes under InnoHK.
The integration of teaching and research, and the separation of politics and education, are two major keys to successful higher education, says CityU President.
A seminar on positive education co-organised by CityU and the Guidance and Discipline Section of Education Bureau on 24 June attracted 200 secondary school principals and teachers.
Aerial micro-robots can stay aloft longer thanks to an energy-saving device created by a team of Harvard roboticists and an engineer at CityU.
The creativity for applying technology to solve real-life problems by students and faculty from the College of Science and Engineering at CityU is unleashed at the Discovery and Innovation Gala.
A renowned scientist discussed the development of nanoscale structures and tools at a distinguished lecture for CityU’s Institute for Advanced Study on 1 June.

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